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I last saw her five years ago, she was a kid back then. I never would have even looked at her any type of way, she was my best friends sister. I always thought she was a sweet kid, I noticed the way she looked at me.

With the look of gooeyness in her eyes, I knew she had a crush on me back then. I was five years older than her and her brothers best friend, it was cliche to have a crush like that.

So that's why I never took a second thought about it.

When I opened that door, I think my heart stopped. Megan wasn't a 15 year old kid anymore she was a woman, and a beautiful one at that. I think I forgot how to breath for a good few seconds when I saw her.

Max had mentioned she would be coming, I don't know why but I thought it would be that 15 year old walking through the door. But no, Meg was a 20 year old woman who looked too damn good to resist. I knew if Max could read my thoughts I would be beaten to a pulp.

I wish I didn't find her attractive but I mean how could you not.

She was beautiful.

"She has too much stuff here" Max groans as he leaves her bedroom. He must have given up helping as he walks back into the living room area.

I didn't know how long Meg would be here, I don't think she knew either.

Max had told me that she had been fired from her job. She was working at a publishing firm, I knew books had always been her passion. When he told me I instantly thought about that conversation we had all those years ago about our dreams.

I had gotten my dream, she had been knocked back from achieving hers. I knew she could do it though, I hadn't read any of her work but I saw the passion she had.

I knew if she had enough passion she could do anything she put her mind too.

"I'm sure she just packed up everything and came here" Max speaks again before he takes a sip of his coffee I had made him. 

"I don't blame her, she just lost her job"

"I think she was trying to get away from her shitty boyfriend"


I didn't realise she was in a relationship with anyone. She couldn't be in a relationship, I felt jealously in my body. I didn't know why, she was Max's sister.

I couldn't be with her.

Let's just hope that they had broken up, perhaps that's why she ran here so fast with no care.

"Did they break up?" I ask, I didn't want to seem too interested but I also did want to know the answer. Max didn't talk about Megan too often, I guess it was because he didn't think I would care.

Before seeing her I probably wouldn't care, but since my eyes locked on her I suddenly wanted to know everything about her life. I didn't know where this came from but it was like an urge I had to fulfil.

"Fuck knows, I hope so he's a bit of an ass" Max speaks.

Max was someone who didn't really hate anyone, so if he didn't like this guy then he must be a real asshole. I didn't know why Meg would ever even give a guy like that a chance. She had potentially so why would she even waste her time with a guy like that.

"I'm sure she came here for a reason" I speak, I take a seat opposite Max. I was in the eye line of her bedroom door, I was waiting for her too open the door and ask for help so I could volunteer.

God what the hell was coming over me?

"As long as she's away from him that's all I care about" Max scoffs.


It had been four hours since Megan got here, Max had given up attempting too help her or even offer to help her. He had headed on a stream in the promise that soon enough he will order food for her.

"Fuck!" I hear a curse from her bedroom, the door was cracked open. I walk over to the door before knocking lightly, I just slowly push it open to see Megan sat on the floor surrounded by books.

"Meg?" I question as I stand in the doorway not moving until she says I can come in.

Her head shoots up as she looks at me, she smiles slightly with a look of embarrassment on her face.

"Hey, sorry I didn't meant too shout I just realised I forgot some stuff" She shrugs, I take a step closer into her room before taking a seat on the bed.

"Still into the books then?"

It was a poor attempt at making conversation because of course she was. I mean she was surrounded by them right now, she had more books than clothes.

"Yeah, although I don't think they like me" she giggles as she lifts her hand revealing a small paper cut that dripped with blood.

I get off the bed and sink down to her level on the floor as I take her hand in mine. The cut was small but it was in a place that wouldn't stop bleeding, I watched as the blood dropped down her finger.

"I'll get you a plaster" I speak before standing up and heading into the bathroom to grab a plaster.

Once I had patched up her finger she looks at me with a smile. God she was so beautiful, I didn't know where this beauty had come from. She had always been a little kid to me or an awkward teenager but this was a woman in front of my eyes.

She had this beautiful blue eyes that ate into my soul. Her hair was blonde, when I last saw her all those years ago she had darker hair. It wasn't brunette but Meg now had blonde hair, it was almost platinum and god did it suit her.

"I heard about the job, I'm sorry about that" I tell her, I watch her face turn into a look of hurt. She smiled a half hearted smile, the idea of her losing her dream it made me feel so bad for her.

"It's okay, it clearly wasn't meant to be" She sighs, I watch her look to the floor before looking back up to me. "I just wish that it wasn't the only thing that made me money"

London was expensive to live in when you were unemployed. I knew that her family would help her out but I also knew she was independent and wouldn't accept anything.

"You know you can stay here"

"That's the plan for a bit" She nods with a smile on her face. "F1 huh?" She smirks to me, I can't help but smile.

I made it; the same dream we spoke about in the kitchen that one day. I had my dream but she didn't have hers.

"Yeah I guess I made it" I nod

There was an awkward silence, I guess I probably shouldn't have said that after she had just opened up about how she lost everything. I still didn't know about this boyfriend of hers, if they had broken up or not.

"You should come to a race" I blurt out, we were just on winter break. It was so nearly over, we would start the new season soon enough.

I guess I invited her to spend more time with her.

"I would love too"

"Max comes to most of them, why don't you just come with him"

If Max wasn't there, I could see myself doing things I didn't mean too. Things that could get me in trouble.

Megan was a little too tempting for my liking right now. She was my best friends little sister, I couldn't touch her. But I could admire her from a far.


I hope you're enjoying the chapters so far, the story will become more interesting as we get in sorry its slow!

Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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