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She broke up with him.

They were over, which made having this crush on her way harder to deal with. She was single now which meant I had nothing stopping me anymore.

Other than the fact she's Max's sister.

I did question why she didn't want me to tell Max but I guess he would be full of I told you so's. I stood here with her after our third shot, I could feel myself getting progressively more drunk. I also could tell she was too.

I sat with her in the booth, we both sat back and watched Max attempt to chat up some girl. I didn't want to seem too pushy but I really hoped he went home with her, so I could take Meg home and have time alone without his gaze.

"Does he really think that's going to work" Meg giggles as we watch him flirt awfully. I knew he wasn't much of a flirter, but right now I was routing for him.

More than I ever had before.

"I don't know she seems into it" I say, I think I was attempting to convince myself more than anyone.

I just hoped he had a shot at this girl in front of us.

For my sake.

"Oh come on, there is no way you flirt with a girl that way" She giggles, that fucking laugh. It did something to me, the way her lips curved into her smile.

Her eyes smiled with her, they closed up when she was really smiling. You could hardly even see her bright blue irises, but I knew they were still there.

They were branded into my brain, I would never forget her eyes.

"I mean I definitely have better game than him" I state, I was way too drunk.

"Show me then" She smirks, she was daring me right now and I was up for playing with fire.

I stand up and walk away from her, she sits back and watches me. I turn around 360 before walking back over to her as if I had just seen her in the club. Megs face lit up as I walked over as she tried to keep her laughter in.

I was too drunk.

I reach her before taking my seat back, I lean in close to her ear.

"What are you doing here alone?"

"I'm not alone" She shoots right back at me, this would be a fight. "I'm here with my brothers best friend, he just left actually"

This was my time, I was drunk and had way too much confidence. I might as well find out everything I wanted to know right now, she was drunk too and willing to tell me anything I wanted to hear.

"He sounds like an attractive guy" I speak, I watch her eyebrow raise as she takes a sip of her drink.

I watch her body turn more, her arm comes around my neck as her hand lands on the back of my head pulling me closer to her. Her lips close to my ear, I could feel her breath in my ear.

The hairs on my body stood up, she was so close to me. Her lips dangerously close to my neck, if she kissed me I would crumble.

I would take her here and now, not caring who was around to see.

"He's pretty hot, I don't know if he thinks I'm hot though or if I'm just a kid" She whispers way too seductively for me to keep myself together right now.

She thinks I'm hot, but she's worried I think of her as a kid. She's is no kid, she's a fucking woman. A woman I want to get on my knees to worship.

"Oh I'm sure he doesn't think that, I mean look at you" I couldn't wipe the smirk on my face off, it was glued there. "You're too enticing too think of as a kid, I mean look at you you're fucking incredible"

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