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I had never felt rage like this, Max had bought Megan's ex boyfriend here. I mean I knew he didn't know, Meg had never told him they had broken up. Ezra was now here, he was here and Meg had been pulled away from me.

After such a good race I had no idea how it turned around so fast. The look of her her smile dropping, it was something I would never forget she looked traumatised. I didn't trust that man, I knew he was an ass but I knew their issues must stem deeper.

"Lando!" I hear Max shout as he walks into my motorhome. I turn around to see him walking over to me, I understood he didn't know anything that was going on.

He didn't know about Meg and Ezra, he didn't know we had kissed. He also had no idea that I was gaining feelings for his little sister, feelings I couldn't shift. If he was here with me, that meant Meg was alone with him.

I wanted to rush to her side and tell him to leave.

"What the fuck is happening out there?" Max speaks, I couldn't tell him about us.

It would cause too many issues, I didn't want Max to know about Meg and I. Not yet it wasn't the time, I also knew that he might murder me or cut off my dick.

One or the other.

"Why did you bring him?" I ask him, my hands resting on the back of my head. Max looked confused, he looked so confused.

"He's her boyfriend, I mean I think he's a dick bu-"

"She broke up with him Max" I tell him, I knew it wasn't my place but I had to tell him. He had to know Ezra was bad news, more bad news than we already thought.

I watch as his face dropped, he realised what he had done.

"Why didn't she tell me and why did she tell you?"

"It was the night you met your girl, she was drunk and told me and begged me not to tell you but he's bad news"

I knew I was stepping over the line, I was well aware of that but I had to do something to protect her. My feelings for Meg were higher than I thought, I didn't know how they had gotten so intense so fast.

But here we are.

"Fuck" Max speaks, his hand running along his jaw. "Why didn't you tell me man!"

I roll my eyes to him, I couldn't handle this right now I wanted to make sure Meg was okay.

"I didn't want to go behind her back!"

"Okay well I'll speak to her"

I needed to see her, I had to tell her that she could let him go. I wanted her to want me, but a small part of me thought she might go back to him. Be unhappy with him, I knew my feelings were overpowering everything but I just wanted her.

I wanted her no matter what, no matter what it was I had to do.


I stand outside her hotel door, I had managed to convince Max to let me speak to her. That if it was her brother she wouldn't take it as seriously, I just wanted to make sure she was okay mainly.

I hear the door open, right away I see the one person I didn't want to see. Ezra.

"What?" He snaps, I roll my eyes. I couldn't stand this man, he had too much attitude for someone that sponged off of Meg.

"Where's Meg?" I ask not even acknowledging his attitude.

"She's busy, I'm sure she doesn't want to-"

"Ez" I hear her voice, but it wasn't her. It was a broken version of herself.

The excited girl that took my picture with a beaming smile on her face was gone. She walks out from behind him and she looked broken, it had been a few hours yet she looked sick all of a sudden.

"Let me talk, i'll be back" She tells him, I watch as she slips out of the room before the door shuts behind her.

I look down at the girl I had always known for being strong, for being stubborn and fiery but this wasn't her. She was a completely different person, I hated it.

"Why is he still here?" I ask her, my head turns to her. I could see her looking to the floor she refused to look up at me. "Meg, I can tell him to leave if-"

"We're back together" She speaks, as her words leave her mouth a knife enters my heart.

She took him back.

"Are you kidding me?" I speak, her eyes stayed on the floor. She couldn't look up at me, her eyes refused to look into mine.

I wanted to beg for her, to get down on my knees too beg for her to chose me.

"Lan please" She breaths out, she was struggling and I needed her to understand that I only wanted her to be happy.

She wasn't happy right now.

"No Meg! He's an ass and-"

"I don't have a choice Lando!" She screams back at me.

I didn't know what she meant by that, I needed to hold her and tell her it was okay. Everything would be okay if she just did what she wanted too, she didn't want to be with him.

I knew that.

She ended things with him, she had told me he didn't make her happy. She just couldn't say no to him in person.

"You do though" I speak, my hand comes to her cheek. I lift her head and her eyes finally meet mine, I could see something had changed behind her eyes.

She wasn't herself.

"I need you Lando" She speaks. "I need you too be there for me right now"

Tears began to well in her eyes, she was in pain and I could see that. She was begging me to stay, to sit there and watch her in this relationship. To watch her be unhappy.

"How am I supposed to watch you with him?"

"Please" she begs me, I dig deep inside of me to find something to say.

I knew he was a bad guy, he would never be a good boyfriend. It was only a matter of time before he did something in front of me and Max, something I could pull him up on. Something that would make him leave her alone.

"Fine" I breathe out.

If she wanted me to do this, I would do it for her because there isn't much I wouldn't do for her. If there was anything I knew I could do, it was catch him in a lie or doing anything he shouldn't be.

"Why don't you two come to the start of the season party on Sunday?"

"Thank you" She speaks.

I hated this man, I would do anything to make sure that he wasn't here for long. I mean he had to leave soon enough, I would make sure that she didn't leave with him.



Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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