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New york was a dream come true, everything I had ever wanted happened. I had Lando but the only thing that was wrong was this sickness would not shift.

I didn't want to worry Lando, so I didn't tell him I was throwing up regularly. We had arrived back in Monaco and I had played off the sickness on the flight as travel sickness but I really don't know what it is.

Lando had meetings today so he had flown to the UK for the day. He would be back in the evening which left me time to get him Christmas presents with P.

I walked around the apartment with Lando's shirt on and some jeans. I really wasn't feeling great today and wearing his clothes really so make me feel better, just having his scent close enough made me feel less sick than before. As I cleaned up the small mess from breakfast I hear the door knock.

I place the cloth down before heading over and opening the door to see P the other side. Right away I pull her in for a cuddle before she comes into the apartment.

"How have you been?" P asks me as she takes a seat at the breakfast bar. I look back at her wondering if I should mention the sickness I have been having, I just don't want people to feel bad for me.

I also don't want to have people worrying about me at all.

I didn't need to be babied.

"Good" I speak unconvincingly, P cocks her head at me knowing I was hiding something from her.

"No? Somethings up" She tells me sternly, god I really couldn't get away from this woman. She knew me too well.

"It's no big deal" I say trying to move the conversation on best I can, but I also knew that she was not going to let this one go.

P looks at me with her arms crossed over her chest, she was looking at me with that look that told me she would kill me if I didn't tell her what the fuck is going on.

Truth is I had no idea what is going on.

"Tell me now"

"I've just been being sick a fair amount" I say trying to make it seem less important than it was.

I had been being sick every single day, a few times a day in fact. I hadn't felt normal in over a week now, I had been covering it up from him as he is easy to pull the wool over his eyes.

I was worried about what was going on, no matter if I ate or didn't eat I was sick. I could eat a banquet and throw up, or I could eat a single pea and throw up the same amount.

"You what?" P looks at me with shock over her face.

"I keep throwing up and I don't know why"

"When was your last period Megan?"

"How is that relevant at all-" I stop my sentence half way through, my brain clocked onto what she was getting at.


When Lando and I broke up it was around about the time for my IUD to get changed. I just didn't get another one put in as I wanted to give my body a break, I had completely forgotten that I ever got it taken out.

When it comes to an IUD it's always just there I kinda forgot that it wasn't there anymore.

I felt sickness coming over me, but this time it wasn't from anything other than anxiety. I grabbed the counter top as I sat down slowly, I couldn't stand anymore. My legs felt numb, my entire body went numb.

"Meg!" P speaks as she stands up and takes my hands to help stabilise me. I couldn't speak or move as my ears began to ring, I had no idea what was happening but I felt unwell.

Very unwell.

"I'm pregnant aren't I?" I speak softly, I look up at her. I could see she wanted to tell me I wasn't, that there was no chance at all I was going to have a baby.

That Lando and I would be parents soon enough.

"We don't know yet Meg it's okay" She tells me as she rubs my arm. "We can get you a test"

"I can't be pregnant" I speak.

I just can't be, I had never thought about having kids. Not yet I was only 21, I was about to be 22 in a few months. I couldn't be pregnant, not yet I was so young. Lando wouldn't want a baby, he's at the start of his career.

We had only been back together for just over a month now.

He wouldn't want a baby not yet.

"Meg if you are it will be okay"

"No it won't" I speak as tears begin to gather in my eyes. I was going to have a baby, Lando wouldn't want a baby. "He'll leave me"

"No Megan he won't" P tells me sternly "I have never seen a man so in love with anyone in my life. Lando will never leave you, no matter if you're having a baby or not. He will want you and this baby, his baby"

His baby.

If I'm pregnant it's with his baby, god he's going to be a father.

"I need a test" I tell her, my stomach hurt from thinking about this.

I had to know what was happening, I had to know if I was pregnant. I had to know if my life was about to change drastically. There would be nothing normal about having a baby, sure we lived together but we've hardly been together just the two of us.

We could have a third on the way.

"I'll get one" P tells me.


I never thought three minutes could feel so long, I sat on the floor while P sat on the closed toilet seat. I didn't speak as my heads sat on my knees I couldn't help but think about what Lando might say.

Will he hate me?

Will he be happy?

I had no idea at all.

I am pulled from my thoughts as the timer goes off, my eyes shoot over to P who looks at me and nods. She stands up and picks up the test, I watch  her face hoping to see a reaction. She stays dead faced, I wanted her to say something right now.

"Meg" She speaks.

"Just tell me"

"You're pregnant"


i know that some of you don't want a pregnancy trope but PLEASEEEE trust me with this 🫶🏻✨

Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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