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Australia was beautiful in every single sense of the word. The second we got off the plane I couldn't pull my eyes from the window as we drove from the airport to the hotel. Lando and I hadn't spoken alone not since he left me to see Max.

I couldn't help but dwell on the idea of Max getting pissed at Lando, My mind went over the thoughts a million times. I couldn't help but think what Max might say when he finds out about me and him.

I doubt he would be particularly happy about it.

In fact I knew he would absolutely lose his mind, I knew he wasn't going to be the most supportive of our relationship. I also knew that even if I was the happiest I've ever been, he wouldn't be happy for me.

Not for awhile at least

I knew deep down he would forgive me eventually, but I didn't think he would ever forgive Lando. Not for what he would see as the ultimate betrayal, Max might never forgive Lando for this.

I didn't know if I could be apart of that breakdown. If I could ruin their friendship for myself, even if I had never been happier in my life.

I was so deeply in love with him. I catch myself smiling at him while he does nothing, he can just be sat there and yet I am beaming at him like a Cheshire cat.

I really had fallen, but I had to decide if I would chose my own happiness or if I should put my brother first.

I feel my phone vibrate in my lap, I look down to see it was a text from Lan. He sat opposite me, I look up and smirk at him. I felt his eyes burn into mine, luckily for me it was Pietra sat right next to me. It wouldn't be life ending if she saw whatever it was he said.

Lando: You look beautiful

Meg: Don't make me blush

I look down and smile as I watch the three dots appear on my phone. I was waiting for whatever it was he was going to say, we had big plans for celebration tonight.

After all it was Lando's big win celebrations. We had a club event, pretty much all the drivers would be heading to celebrate with him tonight. I was looking forward to it, I really was but a part of me also wanted to spend every waking second alone with him.

I knew it was selfish, but I wanted him all of him.

Lando: What are you wearing tonight?

Meg: That's a surprise :)

Lando: Tease...

I can't help but giggle at his reply before I lock my phone.


I hated finding an outfit, in fact it was one of the worst things I had to do. I mean I knew I had to look good, here I was pinning over a man to ensure I had to look good. I wanted to look good enough for him too look at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world.

I just didn't want him to look at anyone else, I didn't know if I was a bad person for that. I was a jealous person, especially after Ezra had rubbed so many women in my face.

I was so jealous of anyone that would look at what is mine.

Lando was mine and I was ready to show him what he had.


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I walked into the club, my ears rang at the sound of the music. Lan had walked in ahead of me, he had been here for awhile with Max. I decided to be fashionable late, it had him anticipating my arrival.

Lan's and I relationship had been very secure, he knew I wanted him. But I wanted him to want me, I wanted him to want me more than anything or anyone else.

The second I walked into the club I was met with some of the other drivers. First my eyes met Oscar, he and his girlfriend Lily were in my path as I walked into the club. I embrace them both in a hug but the entire time I am attempting to keep my eyes out for Lando.

"You look beautiful!" Lily coos in my ear as we pull away from a hug.

"So do you!" I speak back to her, I couldn't help but keep my eyes peeled on the crowd. No matter where I looked I couldn't see the man I wanted to see.

He was no where to be spotted.

"P4! You did so good" I congratulate Oscar after his impressive race. McLaren really did boss that entire race, of course Lando did one better but that didn't mean Oscar wasn't amazing.

"Thanks" Oscar nods, he had a look on his face. It was a look that he wanted to ask me something, I knew what it would be. "Can I ask you something?" He questions.

Oh god.

I just nod to him as a reply, I didn't know what else to do or say. I knew exactly what was coming, but I also didn't know who we were telling. I mean I told Pietra but that wasn't really much of an option.

She cornered me there.

"Do you like Lando?" He asks me, oh right that wasn't exactly what I was expecting.

I expected to be asked if we were together, but asking me if I like him. Like I was some kid with a crush, it was something I didn't really know how to answer.

I didn't like him, I was uncontrollably in love with him. I was stood here looking for him, I mean I was so in love with that man it made me feel sick. I had never given myself to anyone the way I do with Lando, it felt strange to fall in love with someone after being with someone else.

I know now I didn't love Ezra.

It was more of a Stockholm syndrome situation, he was all I had. I had some love for him sure, but I was bonded to him due to my loneliness. It wasn't love.

Lando I was in love with, whenever I was around him I felt like I was floating. Like every moment in my life had led up to being with him, nothing mattered before him. All I had was here and now, he was mine now and I only wanted him.

"What do you mean?" I decided playing dumb was the way forward.

Oscar let's out a smirk.

"Clever" He points at me, before I could even reply my eyes focus on the curly hair a few feet away from Oscar.

He had all of my attention now, but he wasn't alone.

Who the fuck was that brunette glued to his side?


lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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