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He was happy, like actually so happy.

A weight was taken off my shoulders when I heard his reaction, but that didn't change my fears. I was 21, I felt so young still and not mature enough to have a baby. I mean I hardly could look after myself.

Then there was the fact Lando and I had only officially been a couple for 4 months in total and well I was scared. I was scared that it would all be too much and I couldn't handle it. I was scared it would cause us to break up, that I would be a single mum.

Fuck this was too much.

I sit on the floor of the shower as the water fell onto my back. I had never felt anything like this in my life, I should feel warm inside at the fact I have a baby. I have mine and Lando's baby growing inside of me, this was something some people would die for. I was having a baby with the man I loved more than anything in the world, so why did I feel so empty.

I think fear was the main problem, I was scared so fucking scared.

"Baby?" I hear the door knock, I knew it was Lan on the other side of the door. I knew I would have to answer it, I couldn't just sit here and sob alone all day. "Can I come in?"

"Sure" I croak, the door opens and Lando walks in.

Without any form of hesitation Lando looks at me and walks right into the shower fully clothed. He only wore a top and shorts but still he didn't take it off, he walked over and sat on the floor with me.

He pulled my body onto his lap as I sobbed in his arms.

"You're not happy with this baby are you" He speaks softly. I shake my head, I wanted this baby. I just didn't know how I would cope with this entire thing.

"I want this baby Lando, I'm just scared I'm not good enough or it will get too tough and you will leave and-"

"Meg, baby please I will never leave you please understand that" I feel him lean down and press his lips against my forehead. The water fell on us both as he held my lifeless body in his arms. "If you don't want this-"

"I want this, I'm just scared"

"I will be here baby, we have a few more months just the two of us and when I go back to work you know you can come-"

"What about when I'm super heavy what about when my body changes and I'm not skinny anymore"

"Megan please, you could be any size and I would love you. I am not like Ezra and I know that he said some fucked up shit but I promise you that no matter what happens you're beautiful and if you're old and had wrinkles I will still love you"

He was right Ezra did fuck me up, he had made me feel so worried. Perhaps I wasn't worried about the baby, I was worried my body would make him hate me.

That he would think I was ugly.

I don't reply, instead I nuzzle into his chest as the water continues to fall on my skin. My naked body pressed against his clothes, they were soaked but I don't think he cared and I didn't care either I just wanted to be close to him.

Lando and I sat there for a few more minutes before he picked me up and carried me out of the shower. He takes my body and wraps it in a towel before carrying me to our bedroom.

I had never been with someone who took care of me so much. Even when I was fucked up, my mental heath wasn't the best but he was still here.


I woke up in bed, the same bed I stayed in my body pressed against Lando's all night long. He wasn't here now, I stand out of bed as I wore his shirt he had dressed me in. We didn't really speak much after the shower instead I just laid there after we had dried off my body against his.

His hand resting on my stomach as we slept.

I had no idea why I was letting my issues take a hold over me. I wanted a family I had always wanted a family with someone I love, I had that now. I didn't know why I was allowing myself to act this way.

Lando was so excited, he wanted this baby and so did I.

As I walked into the kitchen I see a note on the counter top. I pick it up and see it's a note from Lando.


Hey baby I've got called to a meeting, I had to go back to England for the day. I will be back later and I love you so much!

Stay strong and know I will support you always no matter what you want.

I Love you
Lando x

Fuck I couldn't let myself ruin this moment, to ruin this time for us. It was going to be the most amazing moment, we were having a baby for christ sake why was I allowing my mental health to ruin this.

I had to fix this.


It had been a long day, a very long day. I had to leave Meg which was the last thing I wanted to do after last night. I was so scared she didn't want this baby, I also didn't want her to feel like she had to have this baby if she didn't want to.

I was also scared she didn't want the baby, the second she told me about the baby, it was as if all my dreams had come true. I wanted a family with Meg, but she was the one carrying the baby it was her body and her choice.

It was around 8pm when I finally arrived back in Monaco. I just wanted to get back and make sure she was okay, so the second I arrived at our front door my heart rate picked up knowing I was about to see her. Fuck I loved her so badly. I opened the door and walked in, it was quite a little too quiet so I walk through the hall a little more.

"Meg?" I call out hoping she would call back soon enough.

"Spare room" She calls out.

I frown as I walk down the hall to the empty spare room we hadn't really done anything with. I mean we had hardly had time to do anything at all. As I walk into the room my heart stops, I stop in my tracks as I look at Meg with a smile on her face.

In the previously empty room now sat a white crib along with some other random baby toys and things. She stood in front of me with a small baby grow and a smile on her face, she wore one of my tracksuits that hung off of her but fuck she was perfect.

"I want this baby Lando and I want this family with you" She tells me. 

I don't even say anything, I just walk over and crash my lips onto hers. She smiles against my lips before we pull away and my forehead rests against hers as my hand comes to her stomach.

"I love you both"


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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