Chapter 3

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Becca's pov

I really enjoyed the food. I can't even moved properly cause im so full. God. This is the first time that I eat too much. If she's the one who will make my daily meal, i will probably gain a lot of weight.

She's now putting the dishes other under the table. She already cleaned the area were she cooked.

"Is she about to leave?"

Its already nine in the evening as i checked my phone.  We arrived here earlier at five in the afternoon. We already spent four hours here without us noticing the time coz we talk a lot.

Actually it was only them who talk a lot. And i was only listening to them. But the whole time my focus was with this chef in front of us.

She asked Faye if we need anything. Faye turned her head at us and we just shake our head as a response. We thank her for the food that we really enjoyed.

Faye handed her something before she left.
She thank us, but before that our eyes meet. I stared at her beautiful eyes once again. She bowed her head and left.

I watch her walked, till she reach at the counter where the beatiful lady greeted us earlier.

I'm wondering, what is the relationship between the two of them? I don't know why i feel this way.  Thought I just meet her today.

I watch them again, and this lady checked her temperature by tapping her forehead using the back of her hand.

Maybe she's not well that's why she's using a facemask, but why did she go to work if she's not well? Now im starting to get worried.
I saw them hugged before she finally left.

I almost choked myself out, when all of my friends staring at me with a question mark on their face.

What? I asked as if nothing happened.

Gosh bec, love at first sight? Irin said while smiling like crazy. For sure they won't stop teasing.

Your to obvious bec, mitch added.

Am i? I asked innocently

And they burst to laugh at me. Gosh, i covered my face with my hands. I know that i already look like a tomato because of my stupidity.

But you need to be careful bec, she's different from the other girls you know. Faye warned me.

What do you mean? I ask confused.

Well, you better figured it yourself. She replied

Don't worry bec, we're her to support you. Mitch added.

We stayed for an hour before we decided to go home. Mitch and Yuki have their own car. We said our goodbye to each other while waiting for the valet to get the cars from the parking lot

See you guys nextweek. Mitch and yuki said before they get inside their cars. And i waved them goodbye.

I looked up to the sky and see no stars at all, only a thunder from afar. Rain will definitely fall in a moment.

Thank you faye, for inviting me here, I really enjoyed the food. I'll bring my family here soon. I said while smiling.

Did you really enjoyed the food? Or the one who made the food? Or maybe both?
She said teasingly and raised her left eyebrow.

Maybe both, haha I don't know, i said while caressing my nape.

But I really enjoyed the food faye. I haven't eat that much in my entire life. And you know that im not really a food lover.

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