Chapter 85

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Becca's pov

Three days since I cameback here in thailand. I didn't go anywhere outside the mansion. I stay in and spend time talking to Mahmee about some of my past that I couldn't remember and ofcourse that includes Freen.

And somehow it help me to know her, a little. Today I decided to go to her company, not really sure what to expect when we meet again but I forced myself to. Because I needed it. We needed it I guess?

It's almost lunchtime, and I thought it is a perfect time since I don't want to interrupt her working hours, maybe she's in the middle of meeting or something. I also asked mr. Mike to stop in the nearest flowers shop because I remember that Mahmee told me that she likes tulips a lot. So I bought a beautiful bouquet of it for her. Although Mahmee informed me that she stop accepting flowers since I "was" gone. I don't know if she would accept it or not but, why don't give it a try right?

"Ma'am Rebecca we're here" mr. Mike said as we stop in front of this big building. I was nervous, excited and at the same time worried. For the thought that she might ignore me or something.

But I tried to relaxed myself. As mr. Mike open the door for me, I fixed myself before walking towards the entrance.

The guard was quite shock upon seeing me but I smiled at him. Perhaps she knows me or I know him but I couldn't remember him at all.

"Ma'am Rebecca?" He said smiling unbelievably. And I was thinking if I do look weird or something? Because of the way how he stared at me is like he had seen a ghost.

"I'm here to meet the CEO of this company." I said he nodded understandingly. But when he was about to show me the way I stopped and froze from my spot because of what I am witnessing in front of me.

The woman that I want to meet is in front of me hugging someone romantically, and they both looked happy. I thought she was not in a relationship but why does she have to hugged that woman like that? Like they were lovers or something. And what I don't understand is, I felt hurt upon seeing that.

She was also shocked seeing me and so does the woman next to her. But what more I don't understand is when that woman hold her hand is also like someone shoots me with an arrow and it went straight to my heart.

I think, I came at the wrong time or perhaps I shouldn't came at all. I walk backwards, not minding the flowers I bought for her when I dropped it upon seeing them and start running back to the car.

I slammed the car door when I entered and that makes mr. Mike flinched.

"Please drive." I said emotionless and though mr. Mike was quite confused he still follow my command with no question.

I tried to calm myself as I was really mad, for what reason? I don't know. And I don't even know if I had the right to get mad. Or is it valid.

"Goodness" I shouldn't act like that.

"Mr. Mike can you stop the car in that park?" I said as soon as I saw it. Ive seen it earlier on our way to Freen. And I was already thinking to stop by earlier after we talk. But guess what, that talk didn't happen.

"Here we are ma'am Rebecca." Mr. Mike said as he stop the car.

"I wanted to be alone mr. Mike, you can comeback after an hour or two." I said before going out of the car.

"But ma'am Rebecca,  I can't leave you alone." He said worriedly.

"It's okay mr. Mike, I can handle myself. Just give me your phone number so I can call you later." I said, though he was hesitant at first, still he obeyed my request and he left.

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