Chapter 9

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Thank God it's friday!

I've never been this excited during friday's.
It's already 5:30 pm, I didn't notice the time coz of the pile of paperworks on my desk that I don't know when will I finish it. I got out my office and almost all of the employees already left. Except for richie and his secretary.

Ms. Kim why are you still here? I asked

I'm about to leave ms. Rebecca but maybe your brother still needs me. She answered

I got in to richie's office without knocking. He was shocked seeing me infront of him.

You mind to let someone go home EARLY!? I said.

Whaat?! He asked.

Your secretary was still outside because of you! I answered

I didn't tell her to stay here. He answered

But you didn't tell her to leave either! Of course she will stay, because your still here. Gosh richie.... I added

Without further ado. He called someone from the telephone. I'm sure its ms. Kim.

Happy? He asked

Yep,  I said smiling, but before I leave. You didn't notice something about your secretary?  I asked

About what?  He asked confused

Gosh richie, that she likes you! It's too obvious. You know, Tsk!  I answered

And his eyes got widened. He couldn't believe what I've said.

You know what, you should give sometime for yourself too, not only work or business. Your only 25 yet, you look like your in 40's.

I didn't let him speak before I left.

And, I'll be staying in my apartment tonight. Better not search me home. Ciao

Earlier I called mhamee that I'll be staying in my apartment. She said, she didn't clean my room yet after freen stayed in. And I told her its okay, let it stay like that. Besides freen was the one who fix my bed before she left.

I got in to my car when suddenly my phone rangs. It's from Yuki.

Hello bec, have you recieve the location I send? She asked from the other line.

Not yet yuki. I haven't checked my phone yet. I just got out from the office. I answered.

Okay, make sure to checked it okay? She added

I will, thank you. I respond

Okay see you tomorrow, drive safe okay. She said.

I will. See you tomorrow yuki. I answered.

Tomorrow is Bella's 7th birthday, Yuki's younger sister. She invited me earlier. So I decided to go to the mall now to buy a present for her sister.

She said before that they don't want to celebrate it here, coz they will go to singapore for a 2 days trip. But they change the plan because on monday the school will start.

Speaking of school, I was only thinking about it, I'm already tired. What would happened to me then? Urghhhhhh

I already arrived at the mall. I go straight to the stuffed toy shop. Thank God they still have the size that I want. There's only two left its a carebear and a bunny. So I decided to buy them both. I'll bring one for my apartment and one for Bella, yuki's sister.

She was only 3 yrs old when I first met her. She's so cute and adorable. But now she's already 7 yrs old. And I have no idea if she can still remember me.

I go to the counter to pay for it. I asked the staff if I can leave it for awhile. Coz I need to buy some lipstick. I know mr. Joe and mr. Jack can carry those but I don't want them to.

I'm already embarrassed walking or going somewhere with my bodyguards, what more with them carrying a carebear and a bunny? "Gosh"

I'm already at the cosmetic shop. And it takes me half an hour to choose the shade that I want. After paying we go back to the shop from earlier where I bought the stuffed toys.

Good thing that you've paid it earlier ma'am, because right after you left, someone came to buy this. The staff said.

Oh really? I said.

Yes ma'am, she said she was about to give it to her little friend, because it's her favorite. She added. I just smiled at her.

What a coincidence. I muttered

I ask mr. Jack to bring the stuffs to my car. It's almost 8 in the evening, for sure mhamee waited for too long.

After some minute, I arrived at the parking lot of my apartment. I asked mr. Joe to bring only the bunny stuffed toy to my apartment, tomorrow I'll bring the other one for Bella.

We got in the elevator and mr. Joe pressed the 28th floor. After a minute we reach my floor and mhamee opened the door.

I thanked mr. Joe and mr. Jack before they left.

Your here dear, I thought your not gonna come coz its already late. She said

Im sorry to keep you wait mhamee, we go to the mall to buy a present for yuki's sister. Tomorrow is her 7th birthday. I said

You mean the one that yuki brought to the mansion before?  She asked

Yes mahmee. I answered smiling

Oh I remember it now. She chuckled. By the way dear I made a chicken earlier. I put it inside the fridge coz I thought you are not coming anymore. I'll heat it for you okay?  She asked

Okay mhamee, I'll take shower and will call mom also and I'll come back. I answered

I called mom and dad to inform that I'm already here at my apartment. And they said they just got home too. They came from one of our investors party.

After talking to my parents I go to the bathroom to take a warm bath. After that I got out the bathroom with only my robe on.
I was about to get a pair of pj's when I noticed something on the top of my bedside table. It's a note. Based on the initials written on it, it's from freen. "F.S.C"

Its been 5 days since that "thing" happened. I didn't expect her to leave a note here.

All the tiredness I feel this past few days is gone, just by reading a simple note from her. She's also the reason why I bought this bunny bear on my bed.
I remember her just by looking at it.

"So I'm miss good samaritan now"? Hmmm.....

to be continued.....

Hi guy's, thank you so so much for waiting and for supporting ❤️😊 yesterday, I go to my doctor for a follow-up check up and thank god the fever is finally gone. Except for my cough. But don't worry im already taking antibiotics and also I feel a lot better now compare to the other days. Tho I can't speak clearly coz I also lost my voice, but I hope it'll go back very soon 😁


How was you Christmas eve guys? And who's here got the chance to go to thailand to watch becky's solo stage? 😊😊

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