Chapter 2

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Careful, its hot. She said

I gasped when I already burned my tongue. She quickly handed me the wine and I sipped it.

It's embarrassing. But i didn't act like im embarrassed. I know that my friends we're trying their best not to laugh.

Are you okay bec? Faye asked me. But i can see that she's trying so hard not to laugh because of what happened.

I'm still alive, I answered annoyingly. While sipping my wine. And they burst to laugh.

"Great"  i murmured while shaking my head at them.

I turned my gaze to the chef, who is now looking at me worriedly.

Atleast there is someone who's worried. Unlike my friends who can't stop their self laughing at me. As if i am a comedian. Gosh.

She was about to apologise.

I'm sorr.......

I didn't let her finish her word. I raised my hand while still sipping at my wine.

Uh...uhmmm, not your fault.

She bowed her head and returned to her work. Maybe she was about to make salad coz i can see some lettuce on the top of the table

I am enjoying my steak while looking at her direction.


Freen's pov

Such a kid. I am just being professional.  I know its not my fault that she burnt her tongue.  Why would she put it inside her mouth without blowing it first? Knowing that its hot coz i just put it in the plate straight from the fire..


I turned my back at them to finish what i was doing. Im making my own version of dressing for my vegetable salad. I already prepare the vegetables earlier.

I took a medium bowl from the drawer, crack one egg, I add vegetable oil put some seasoning and squeeze some lemon juice on it. But before I mix them all I decided to add some milk and a teaspoon of white sugar.

I used the electric machine, and when I saw that the texture is good I took a teaspoon from the other drawer and taste it.

Hmm.. perfect. I took the big bowl and put the vegetables that i already drained earlier and add the dressing and mix them all together.

After that I put it on a nice plate and gave it to them.

But before that, I caught this cute girl staring at me.  Maybe she's a new friend of miss Faye coz  I just meet her today. I already knew Yuki and Mitch. They were miss Faye's bestfriends and they came here every sunday.

Miss Faye's is the only daughter of the owner of this restaurant. She's very kind. Like her father. She always greet me whenever she sees me. Even at school. Since we both go in the same school.

Well, I'm a scholar since highschool. I'm doing my very best on everything. I study in the morning and work after school up to midnight. That's my life since my father left us when I was 12 yrs old.

I remember when I was 13 yrs old I used to help mom on our mini cafe so that she don't need to pay for someone to help her, I did that until I finished my highschool. That's the reason why I learned cooking. And I enjoyed being in the kitchen

I decided to move in the city when I got a full scholarship in Thailand International University. I took business. I know its far from my dream to become a doctor. But its way better. And being a doctor is exhausting.

In order to pay my rent and bills I used to work in a fastfood chain and sells some home cook food at school. Not until miss Faye's father offer me a job last year.

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