Chapter 35

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Becca's pov

Thanks God its sunday. Gosh I really miss my girlfriend.

Earlier my mother and I went to this famous taylor for my gown. I only want a simple birthday celebration, but my father wanted a grand celebration for me. He said, that this is the first time that I'll be celebrating my birthday here in thailand so he would like to take the opportunity to introduce me to all of his business partners. Tho I already meet some of them. Not to conclude the one from the other country.

I was about to leave because I want to surprise Freen. I know we talked that we will meet tomorrow but I can't wait to see her.

Princess, did you tell Freen about the thing that we talked about last time? My dad asked.

I stop immediately after hearing that from my father. I know that he informed me about this almost a month ago. Yet, I don't have the time to tell freen about it. "Or maybe I really dont want to tell her about it."

Next year, on the second week of january we will be going to england for a month or two. Well, the reason is about business. And we really need to be there.

Thinking about that day to come, Im already sad. Just like two day I haven't seen Freen, I really missed her so much. What more if we wont be seeing for a month? It'll definitely kill me.

Not yet dad. I uh, don't know how to tell her.. I sadly answered.

Princess, you need to tell her. The earlier the better besides, you wont going to stay there longer than a month. And you can call her everyday. My father said and I heaved a sigh.

I don't know dad. Maybe after my birthday. I answered. I'm going now dad, mom. I added and hugged them before going.

Take care love okay? Drive safe. And say hi to Freen for me. My mother said while hugging me.

I will mom. I love you. I said and left.

I was about to go to the parking when I saw Richie coming in.

Having a date little sis? He asked standng on the door with his furrowed brows and hands in his pocket.

I gave him a look from head to toe before answering.

You know what big bro? You should find a lover, so you could go on a date too. Not asking me where to go and what to do. I answered smirking. And he laughed at me.

You know what, I dont need one. I can go on a date all by myself.  He answered smiling.

Whatever. I'm heading now. Ciao... I said and go to my car.

Drive safe little sis. Richie said and I just give him a thumbs-up.

I got in to my car and drive to Nam's place. I called her earlier to inform her that I'll be coming. She said that she's at work now and I can come over since freen was still there. She also gave me her passcode so I can get inside. But before that, I stopped at the flower shop to buy Freen's favourite tulips.

I don't know why, but she really love flowers especially tulips. Which is so adorable.

After purchasing the bouquet of tulips I go back to my car and drive straight to Nam's address.

I've been here a couple of times, but didn't got the chance to enter.  And this is the first time that I'll be entering her house.

I pressed the code that she gave me and slowly opened the door. Now I feel like I'm an intruder.

From the moment I got inside, I can smell a delicious food coming from the kitchen. Now I know where she is. I removed my shoes and tiptoed entering the sala to the kitchen trying not to make a sound while hiding the bouquet of tulips from my back.

I stopped for awhile, seeing her dancing with her headphones on, she is wearing her favorite oversized shirt which is so hot for my eyesight. I looked at her from head down to her sexy long legs. "Gosh, why so hot babe?"

Without noticing that I'm biting my lower lips.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... She scream after seeing me and it make me laugh seeing her reaction.

Hi babe. I said waving at her smiling.

How, whaaat? Hi?  She said confusedly.

I walked towards her and kissed her. I really miss her soft lips.

And this is for you. I said handing her the bouquet of tulips.

Aw, thank you so much baby. She said with a teary eye and hugged me.

Wait, how did you got in here? She asked confusedly after breaking the hug.

I called P'nam, and she said she's at work so she gave me here code. And thats how I got in. I explained and she nodded.

God, I miss you so much babe.. She said slightly pinching both of my cheeks.
But I pulled her waist closer to mine, that there is no gap between us. She then rest both of her arms on my shoulders.

You really look so sexy, with that dance earlier. I said while slightly squeezing her bum. That made her bite her lips.

I gave her a warning look, but she just grinned.

Ooops. She innocently said.

I waste no time and kissed her deeper, passionately. While my hands were busy trailing her perfectly curves. We are both hungry for each other. Two days is like a year for us.

We broke the kiss after smelling the burning sauce.

Turn it off babe, you already turned me on. I said with a husky voice. I can still feel the wetness around my lips especially between my legs.

She immediately turned the fire off and gave me a sad look because of what happened to the sauce that she's making for her pasta.

It's okay baby, you can make again later. After we make love. I said winking.

Your crazy.. She said shaking her head. And I smile.

Only crazy for you babe..

And with that, we continue what we started. I wipe the counter using my hands, all the things and stuff scattered on the floor.

We can clean that later. I said smirking after she gave me a shocking look because of what I did.

I took her shirt off immediately. Well Im a bit surprised knowing that she's not wearing a bra. I bite my lower lips after seeing her perfect boobs in front of me.

I cupped one of it using my other hands while I start sucking the other one.

Hmmmm babeeeee. She moaned

Did you like it? I asked her teasingly. Yet I didn't wait for her answer as I crashed her lips and kissed her again. Trailing to her earlobe which I certainly know that she really like it, down to her neck and start giving it a red marks. While my other hands were massaging her wet folds with her underwear still on.

Gosh, baby. Your so wet. I said between kisses. I slowly bend down till I reached my favorite area. I gently pulled her undergarment down and start kissing and licking her folds without a warning.

God, beccaaaaa. Hmmmm. She moaned loudly while gently pulling my hair.

I stand up and help her sit on the counter for a better position. After seating comfortably I spread her legs widely and start licking her folds, sucking all her wetness, I insert my tongue on her hole that makes her moan nonstop.

I gently slid my two finger on her hole  and started pumping her in and out while my tongue still licking her folds.

Beccaaaaa, I'm cumm..ingggg  aaahhhhhh..

I smiled at her and kissed her on her lips.

to be continued....
Hello my beautiful reader's. 🫠 I missed you, did you miss me too? 🫢 Sorry for the late update 🫣

How are you? 🤔
Hope everyone is doing well 😊
Keep safe and dont forget to smile 😘🥰😍❤️

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