Chapter 77

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Richie's pov

After a long argument with my sister, I couldn't sleep anymore and so, I decided to call Freen. This is not the way that I am going to tell her the truth about my sister. But what choices do I have left aside from nothing?

I know what I did is unforgivable, and I already prepared myself for that. I am selfish and deserve that to be punished. Though I already prepared myself for this, it still scared the hell out of me.

I wish I wasn't a coward. I wish I was strong like my dad, but no. I am not, and I will never be. All I did was to protect my sister and her wife from those people who killed my parents, our parents. I know he is already behind bars with no coming out, but the trauma is still in me. Even though a lot of years had already passed.

I was so focused on my sister's health ever since she woke and not on her feelings. I have never imagined that I will be on this hard situation.

After calling Freen and talking to her beautiful kids I decided to wait for the sun to shine. I called Billy to cancel all of my appointments this whole week and asked him to call the pilot and prepare the plane. I don't want to waste another day on lying to Freen. Its already too much for her. And Im doing it, no matter what she will do to me after, I will accept it fully heartedly.

But before l left, I need to talk to my sister again. So I'm here at the dining area, sipping my black coffee. Although I don't really need it to stay me awake because me myself can't find a sleep after that shocking news from her last night.

She loves Freen with all her heart. And her, thinking to fall inlove with someone else than Freen is unexpected. I know she can't remember something about her past because she has amnesia but I will make sure that she will remember something, somehow.

So I collected all of their pictures and their videos together, including the copy of their marriage contract as a proof to her that she is already married and put it inside a paper bag.

I know last night she didn't believe me when I said that she's already married,  and I understand her because she can't remember almost half of her life.

After some minute I heard her door slammed. I know she's still pissed at me. And I understand her, she has the very right to be. I won't force her to talk to me if she didn't want to. But I need to gave this to her. So I got up from my seat and took the paper bag with all the proof inside and hand it to her.

"Bec, please can we talk?" I asked pleadingly

"Richie, please if you still want me to be your little sister just leave me alone" She said almost shouting. And that hurts.

"I...I'll be gone for a week. But before that I want you to atleast accept this. And hope it'll help for you to remember something" I said stretching my arm with the paper bag to her. She furrowed her brows but then she accept it.

"If you are thinking that I am going to stop marrying Jane because of what you've said last night, you are wrong Richie. And I want to tell you that no one can stop me. I will file a divorse to whoever that person I am married to and that is final." She said gritting her teeth as if she wants to eat me alive.

She then goes back inside her room, and for the third time, she slammed her door closed. Gosh! That stubborn Becca, if this place of mine is not made with solid concrete for sure the door and wall is already ruined.

Its already eight in the morning  and Billy  informed me that the plane is ready. So I decided to ask Mina to take care of my sister while Im away. Also Billy hired another set of men's to guard her. Secretly ofcourse, because she will get mad if she knows that.

After talking to Mina, Billy and I got to the airport.

Becca's pov

My stomach is growling but my pride wont let me eat. He said he will leave for one week to God knows where and when will he leave? I didn't care and I badly want to celebrate because, damn without Richie around for one whole week I could finally breath.

I glance at the clock on my bedside table and its already nine in the morning. Gosh, its been twelve hours since I last eat and I can't take my hunger anymore.

I got out from my room and go straight to the kitchen. Hoping that there is something ready to eat.

"Good morning ma'am Becca, I am certain that you're hungry so I prepared your food. I was about to bring this inside you room, are you not feeling well?" Mina asked

"No, I'm fine Mina, thank you" I said as I let myself sit infront of this long table. I really wonder why Richie prefer this kind of long table although we were only two in here. Three plus Billy but still too long. Ugh, nevermind.

"Do you want anything else to eat, aside from what I prepared?" Mina asked again and I just shooked my head and smiled at me.

Mina is a kind woman, I remembered mahmee from her. I wonder where she could be right now? Or is she still alive? God, why can't I even remember? The more I forced myself to remember everything from my past the more pain I feel. And those medications I take is useless.

Again I shooked my head and just focused on eating. My stomach is needs food.

"Mina, how long have you've been working here?" I suddenly asked her out of nowhere while munching my food. I can't remember her also so I am guessing that she's new, or perhaps Richie hired her before I got in an accident.

"Six years ma'am Becca" She answered after pouring an orange juice in my glass and I nodded.

"So, you didn't know about me before I showed up? I mean before I woke up?" I asked again and she shooked her head.

"No, ma'am. What I know when I first come here is only your brother and sir Billy. But after a year a beautiful lady come here and stay for a week." She answered

"Yes ma'am, I guess its your wife. I'm so sorry if I am over stepping ma'am Becca, but last night I heard your arguments with your brother. I know I am not in the right position to say this, but I guess you need to listen to him or try to know a little about your past before you continue your plan to get married with your girlfriend now. I'm sorry" She said bowing her head and left me unpuzzled.

After eating, I go back to my room and message Jane to meet me in the park at our favourite spot. She then replied immediately and said that we will meet in the afternoon after her shift.

I didn't bother to check what Richie had gave to me earlier. And Mina said that he left earlier, which means that my week being free with him had started. I already got a lot of plan in my head on what to do with those days. And ofcourse I will spend it with my fiancée.

to be continued....

Hello hello my beautiful reader's. How are you all? Is everyone doing okay? I hope you are all well 🫠😉😊🥰

Enjoy reading. 😘

Keep safe as always, don't get sick and don't forget to smile 💚💚💚💚💚

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