Chapter 44

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"I start this story not hoping that someone would like it, but look at now, it almost reach 70k reads. It is indeed UNEXPECTED 😲 like I really did not expect that you would like this story and I am so so happy. 😇😊😊 THANK YOU SO SO MUCH MY BEAUTIFUL READER'S ❤️😘"

Fast forward..

It's Christmas eve. Everyone gathered in the Armstrong mansion. Including Freen's family. Which is her mom and her grandmother. They decided to spend the Christmas eve together with the Armstrongs.

Robert invited them during Becca's birthday party. Said that there will be a big surprise. And the Armstrongs family won't take a no as an answer.

It's eight in the evening, and the three mothers were both busy in the kitchen preparing the food for the Christmas eve with the help of mahmee. Since all of the helpers in the Armstrong mansion was on a vacation leave to spend holidays with their family.

While Becca and the two man which is Robert and Richie were on the swimming pool area. Trying their best to make a beautiful decoration for their "surprise".

As for Freen, Becca asked her to buy a Chateau La Petite Borie. A wine that is really hard to find in thailand, especially on this kind of a holiday.

And Becca knows that very well. She did that to have enough time to prepare for her surprise.

And with the help of her beloved father and her brother they almost finished decorating the pool area.

For her its kinda hard to do this since they were always together like 24/7. And she got this idea with the help of his own father.

They all smile, a sign of a relief after finishing the decorations.

Becca's pov

Becca called the three woman in the kitchen to show what they did in the pool. And upon seeing it. The three woman gasp in shock and excitement.

It so beautiful she will definitely like this love. Becca's mother said smiling from ear to ear. Showing how proud she is to her.

While Freens mother nodding nonstop agreeing to what her mom just said, with a teary eye because of joy.

Thank you mom's, dad and Richie for your help and support for everything. I really really appreciate it a lot. I said smiling and hugged them one by one.

After that I asked them to get back inside and closed the door to the pool area. I don't want Freen to see it before midnight. Or else it'll ruined my surprise.

We go back inside the house and I go straight to my room to take a shower. But before that I called Freen. I know that she was still looking for that specific wine, and I know that she still didn't find it. I just follow what dad asked so I can have time to prepare everything.

Hello babe, where are you? I asked on the phone with a worried voice.

Hi baby, sorry. Still searching for that wine. But I haven't found it yet. All the stores that I have been, they say it's out of stock. She answered with a sad tone and I am certain that she is already pouting like a five year old kid. How cute is that?

Baby it's okay, you can bring whatever is the available one. I said trying to boost her and convince her to go home with a different brand.
I know her very well, she'll do anything in her power to get what I want. No matter what the consequences is.

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