Chapter 62

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Becca's pov

We we're inside the car going to the airport. Freen beside me hugging me tightly. She didn't speak since earlier and it makes me sad. I am caressing her shoulder and kissing her face and head nonstop.

Baby. I said but she's not answering me.

Wifey, please say something or else my whole journey to UK will be sad. Because I will be thinking about you and I will get stressed and depressed and... I said pouting acting like a three year old kid but I didn't finished what Im saying whe she put her  middle fingeron my lips.

Shhh.... quite your so loud I can't hear your heartbeat. Im checking if its beating my name. She said almost whispering. Maybe she was afraid that my parents would hear us and will tease us again since we we're riding in one van and we were at the back seat.

But I chuckled after hearing what she said.

Of course baby, my heart will beat for you and only you. Isn't it marrying you is not enough to prove that you only have my heart? I ask lifting her chin up.

Is that the reason why you married me? I mean rushed? She ask and I can tell that she's sad because of her voice.

No, and yes. I answered and she furrowed her brows making me smile.

What do you mean? She asked

What I mean is yes I kinda rushed on marrying you because I don't want people to come to you when I'm not around. You are only mine my Sarocha. I said and kissed her, not minding my parents who were seating infront of us.

I love you my love, and please don't be sad or else I will be sad too. I know you were going to miss me and I will definitely feel the same too. To be honest I'm already missing you now. I added caressing her cheeks after breaking the kiss.

I love you more babe. She said hugging me tightly.

After some minutes we finaly arrived at the airport. I furrowed my brows when we enter the gate knowing that we have a private plane. Freen was still holding my hands as we walked inside the airport

Dad, aren't we going to use our private plane? I asked my dad.

No princess, the captain is on a vacation and there is no available one since it is a peak season. Dad answered while still walking and I nodded as a response.

When we reached the check-in station dad stop and face us who were walking behind them.

Freen, dear take care of yourself here okay? Dad said to my wife with a smile on his face. While mom came to hugged her.

You too dad, mom. I'm going to miss you all. Freen responded smiling. Though deep inside I can feel that she's sad.

Oh dear, you can follow us if you want to. I mean Richie will follow after three days you can come with him. Mom said to Freen.

Even if I want to mom, I can't.  My company needs me especially we will be starting our new project this week. And besides, Becca and I already talked about it, right baby? Freen said staring at me.

Yeah mom. Two weeks wont be long though. I said smiling to ease the tension.   Freen and I already talked about everything and we agreed that after two weeks we will continue our plan to travel after she finished her project which is for her company.  As of now a lot of investors want to be apart of her company. I can tell that my wife is really good at handling it. Which I am really proud of.

If that's the case then. But if you ever change your mind dear, you know you can come anytime. Mom said smiling and Freen nodded at her smiling as a response.

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