Chapter 54

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⚠️ WARM-ning ⚠️ 🤭😅😉


Freen's pov

The moment she rushed inside the house after hearing what I said, I followed her. I saw how she quickly took her clothes off and got inside the bathroom.

And when I heard that she turned the shower on, I started to undress myself and go inside the bathroom to take a shower with her.

This isn't the first time that we showered together. But this time, it will be different.

She was already applying the soap when I entered. I took the loofah from her hand without saying anything. I know she was shocked seeing me inside the bathroom.

Guess she didn't heard me as I entered a moment ago, and now she's smiling naughtily at me seeing my nakedness.

Let me help you clean. I said emotionless. 

I can see how she hardly swallow a lump on her throat, yet I pretend not to see it.

Turn around. I added coldly. She stared at me furrowing her brows. Yet, she obeyed what I said as she turned her body facing back at me.

I reach for the faucet to turned the shower off. I start leaning close to her back, so close that you can't even see any gap on it. My front was already touching her back. Reason for her to gasps.

Yet, I pay no attention to it and  I gently  start scrubbing her body with the loofah with my right hand, while my left hand was snaking around her bare waist.

Her body was quite trembling, I can feel that she's turning on, but I am not in a rush to do the next move. We've got plenty of time and very long night so I might tease her a little bit.

Gosh, baby. Are you trying to kill me? She said between breath.

Sshhh. I don't want to hear any words from you until I say so. And you must obey whatever I asked you to do. Disobeying me will lead into a punishment. Do you understand? I said coldly and she nodded tremendously.

Good girl. I whispered seductively.

I start applying soap in my body, when she was about turn around to face me. But I stopped her.

Don't move. I said and start rubbing my tits on her back. While my hands were roaming around her stomach up to her boobs.

She let out a soft moan when I start playing her hardened nipples with my fingers while my other hands were slowly  trailing down to her center.

I used my other legs to spread her leg

Turned the shower on. I whispered hoarsely and she did what I asked to.

Warm water runs through our entire body rinseng the soap that we applied.

She was softly moaning nonstop as I gently start rubbing her center with my middle finger. And even though the water from the shower continued to flow, I could still feel how wet she was.

Guess my favourite food is ready to be eaten. I said smirking

Hmmmmmm Freen. She moaned hardly biting her lips. Trying to stop herself to say a word.

Yes baby, I'm gonna allowed you to speak but only with my name. I said seductively  and start kissing her neck to her shoulder. She was slightly turning her head to give more access.

I turn around to face her. Her face flashing pinkish red like a fresh sweet strawberry. Staring at her dilated hazel dark brown eyes whose already full of lust.

Bab..... I cut her words by kissing her torridly. Her soft lips that I won't get tired of kissing it. As my tongue was already exploring inside her mouth I gently pushed her to lean hear body in the bathroom wall.

She grabbed my nape and deepened the kissed. She was fighting for dominance,  but I can't let her win this time. I grab her hands and put it above her head.

I want you to behave yourself. I said between kisses and gently bite her lips.

Turning off the shower, my kisses started to go down to her neck leaving some marks on it down to her tits who is proudly erected.

I play it with my tongue while my other hands were gently massaging the other one. Giving an equal attention.

Freen, aaahhhhhhh. Her moan is like music to my ears.

My kisses trailed down to her center. My most favorite part of her body. I kneeled down to be at the level of her center.

Tell me if your uncomfortable with your position babe. I said and she nodded as a response.

Becca's pov

I don't know what's got into her that she became like this. But somehow I kinda like it.

"Freen the dominant"

My thoughts were cut out when I felt her tongue doing some magic in my most precious part.

I wanted to scream and cursed out of pleasure, but I can't let a word to escape my mouth except for her name. Afraid for the "punishment" that she said earlier.

Fuc....hmmmmm freeeeeeeen baby ahhh. I was literally moaning in mess since she entered the bathroom without wearing anything.

She is already making me weak the way how she enjoy licking, kissing and devouring my folds. Her hands were on my bum cupping and massaging it. The moment she hardly pushed her tongue inside my hole, I lost it. I don't know where to hold so I grab her head and pulled her hair. I can't even stop myself from cursing.

Baby I'm go..nna fall. I said but it seems that she didn't heard me. Instead she put her fingers inside me without any notice.

Fuck, baby. Hmmmm. I moaned biting my lips that is almost bleeding because of stopping myself to say a word. But I can't hold it anymore. Forcing myslef not to speak a word in this situation is already a punishment.

What she was doing at the moment is making me insane.

Fas...ter babe. I said between moans and she did it. She thrusted her fingers inside me in a fastest way she can. While her tongue was licking my clit nonstop.

Within a second I cum in her mouth. My body  shuddered yet she didn't stop licking my most sensitive part.

Oh my god babe... I said with my eyes shut. My weak hands trying to pull her up to stand.

As our body collides I immediately wrap my hands around her. I burried my face to her neck inhaling her natural scent.

Guess you didn't take my word seriously, and you disobey me. She said coldly. And I hardly swallowed my saliva. Though my mouth is nearly dry from moaning.

What can I do? She's giving me too much pleasure that I can't even stop myself to disobey her simple request.

Perhaps, I should just prepare myself for her punishment. Whatever it is.

to be continued.......

Hehe- hello my beautiful reader's 😍 hope everyone is doing fine as wine 😊

Anyways, I was laughing at some of the comments in the previous chapter 🤣 Guess I need to hide now, someone threatened me and I'm scared. Like this 😱😨🙀 (just kidding)😁😁😁

But to be honest, I am so happy that you enjoyed reading my story. Thank you so so much for all the support and everything. 🥰😍❤️

Keep safe as always, don't get sick and most importantly don't forget to smile even though you will look like crazy 😜


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