Chapter 10

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Freen's pov

Today I asked Nam that I will leave early from work. Yuki called me earlier. She invited me for her sister's birthday. Not as a cook, but as a friend.

We are not really that close. It was all started from last year. When she bring her family in the restaurant. Since then, they always came every weekend, and thats how I became close to them especially to her sister Bella.

Bella is like a sister to me. I am an only child, and I never knew how it feels to have one. That's why I like kids a lot.

Im here at the mall now. I was about to buy a carebear stuffed toy for Bella, it was her favorite, but someone already bought it. And the shop doesn't have any available stock. The other store was far from my place. Even if I go now, I can't make it on time coz of a heavy traffic.

I was about to talk to the person who already bought the stuffed toy, when suddenly I saw a familiar face. I hide myself from the opposite store. When they are going to the direction of a shop where I came from. And I just watch them from afar.

I remember him.
He was the guy that I saw in the parking lot of Davis restaurant, that was the time that I got off from work early coz I'm not feeling  well. And also the day when I lost my conscious at the bus stop.

He is also the one from The Armstrongs Inc. the one who recieved the ordered of "Be mine".

Speaking of "Be mine" I know its a fake account coz I stalked it after he or she made an order. The account was new, and no followers at all.

He was with another guy, whose wearing the same outfit as his. If I'm not mistaken they are just bodyguards by the person that they are following. I can't really see her face from the distance coz she's wearing a cap and a mask. But I'm sure it's a girl based on her outfit and the way she moved.

I'd better do some research later when I got home.

I decided to go to the grocery store to buy the ingredients that I needed for the cupcakes.

I'll make cupcakes instead. I know she would like it, cause it's her favorite too. After buying all the ingredients that I need. I go back to my apartment.

It's already 8 in the evening when I reach home. I change my clothes first before making this cupcakes.

After changing I prepared a 2 big bowl for mixing all the ingredients. I seperate the dry ingredients to the wet one. I measured the flour, sugar and baking powder. And set aside. I took a small bowl for the egg, I'll separate the yolk from the white one.

I pour a cup of milk in a big bowl, next is the melted butter, and yolk. I added some drop of vanilla extract to reduce the smell of eggs.
After mixing it, I added the dry ingredients and mix them again manually till its ready.

I pre heated the oven while preparing the molders. After that gently pour the mixture I made to the molders and put it inside the oven. I set a timer on it.

While waiting for the cupcakes , I clean and wash the dishes that I used. After that, I took my laptop from my room, I'll start my "research" about Armstrongs. 

I already know about the company, but not really about the people behind this successful business.

I was reading an article about it, when something caught my attention. My jaw dropped seeing her in the photo. I really don't have any idea about who she was before.

"Rebecca Patricia Armstrong the only daughter of the King of business."  So that was your name cute girl. Hmmmm

I stopped what I'm doing when the cupcakes that I'm baking is already done. I turned off the oven and take out the cupcakes from the oven. I'll let it cool down for awhile.

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