Chapter 61

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Freen's pov

Its already three in the morning yet here I am, still wide awake. Unlike my wife who is peacefully sleeping wrapping her arms around my naked body under the blanket as we had our well you know "love making night."

It was supposed to be our honeymoon,  but because they have to go to Uk for business purposes we postponed it. Though that was already the plan if Becca didn't surprise me with the wedding three days ago.

I can tell that she can't really wait for it. But I'm not complaining though. In fact I am so glad and happy now that we are married. Well not to the public as we still need to keep it and wait till they cameback from UK and continued the plan. Like getting married again but this time it will be announced publicly and perhaps it will also aired lived.

Tomorrow will be their flight to UK. And my wife will be staying there for two weeks, leaving my in laws for another two weeks. In fact she was supposed to be staying there for a month if she didn't complain to her parents about how she would be missing me. I know it sounds cliché but maybe that is how we really love each other.

I know two weeks is not too long but thinking about the days without her by my side will definitely difficult for me to adjust. Knowing that we already used to be together like 24/7.

My thoughts were cut out when she slightly move. And when she didn't move anymore I tried my best to fix the blanket without disturbing her  beautiful dreams.

Her little snore sounded like a music to my ears. Her peacefull and angelic face burried to my bare chest. Guest she find it more comfortable than a pillow. I carefully put some of her hair strands behind her ear and planted a soft kiss on her head then hugged her tightly.
After some moment, I finally fall asleep too.

Richie's pov

Dad, can I have a minute. I asked my dad  when I saw him out of their room. In fact I have been waiting for him to get out for about an hour ago. As I haven't catch him last night when I came home. And I'm glad that mom was not with him by this time.

In this early morning? He asked furrowing his brows but I ignored it and motion him to follow me in his office. Which he did.

Dad, I know you're wondering why, but this is very very important. I started without letting him to interfere.

Its about the people behind uncle's death. I said and I can tell that he's a bit shocked and excited at the same time.

Tell me, did you find who's behind his death? Is it really an accident or what. Dad asked furiously.

Dad, we all know that its not an accident. And based on the private investigator he found out that someone cut his cable break before the accident. They already caught the man behind it, but what shocked me the most is someone paid him to do it. I said gritting my teeth. Remembering the video I've watch about the culprits confession.

And who is the real person behind it? My dad asked me. I can feel his anger based on his voice.

It is one of our top investor. Its mr. Chen. And we also collect some other evidence on how he is backstabbing us and our business. Based on the investigation he is also behind the reason why we are having a big problem in UK headquarters. I said firmly.

That fucking bastard. I'll make sure he will pay for everything he did. Dad said clenching his fist. And for the first I've heard him cursed.

Son, thank you is not enough for everything you have done. Especially this, I'm sure that your uncle will be at peace and proud of you. Dad said tapping my shoulder.

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