Chapter 82

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Becca's pov

"Urghhhhhh, damn it" I scream out frustratingly after Richie left. And it didn't took aw while when Mina came back with a home made food and some other stuffs.

"Hello ma'am Rebecca,  how are you feeling now? Do you feel any better? She asked worriedly and I just nodded. My stomach is growling in hunger and it added more when I smell a delicious food. I remember I haven't eat anything since morning.

"God" I exclaimed licking my dry lips.

"I know you're hungry ma'am Rebecca because you haven't eat anything since you left this morning, so I asked your brother earlier for me to go home and make something for you. Just a second and I'll prepare everything." She said smiling and she adjust my bed so I can sit comfortably and set the table in front of me.

She removed the lid of glass container and put some in the plate. She made pasta and it really looks delicious, or perhaps I'm just really hungry. But no the smell was so nice.

"Here ma'am Rebecca." She said putting the plate in front of me with an orange juice and some cutted fruits.

"Thank you." I mumbled and she smiled at me.

"Tell me if you want more ma'am.  I'll prepare your medicines" She said and I nodded.

Before I took a bite I inhale it once again. The smell so good and quite familiar. After filling my nostrils I start eating.
"Gosh, its so delicious" I said at the back of my mind. Mina never cooked like this before and I start wondering why. Or maybe she bought his from outside and heat in the house and bring it here? Again I shooked my head and continued to eat until I finished it.

"Do you want more ma'am Rebecca? Mina asked after seeing my almost empty plate.

"Can you add a little more please?" I asked with my mouth still full. I know its quite rude to speak with your mouth full. But I don't really care. Im hungry and the food is very saporous.

"Sure you can ma'am Rebecca" She said with a wide smile, or should I say smirking or teasing smile. "Here you go" she said after adding more pasta in my plate. After I finished eating she hand me my medicine and I take it.

"Im glad you like it ma'am Rebecca, I mean the food." She said smiling.

"How did you make it? Its very delicious by the way." I said staring at her as she clean up.

"Its actually a recipe that I've learned from Ms. Freen when she comes here years ago ma'am Rebecca. She said it was your favourite and so I tried my best to make it for you, and Im glad that you like it even though it doesn't taste like the one she made." She answered smiling.

"Oh, is that so? I asked and she nodded shyly.

"I, uh...uhm how much do you know about her? I mean you said before that she used to stay here for a week right? How is she like, you know?" I asked almost stuttering. I know Mina isn't the right person to be asked about this kind of a question since she is still new, somehow and didn't know about my past. But my curiosity is really bothering me about this woman that I married.

"You mean my opinion on what kind of person she is based on how I met her ma'am Rebecca? She asked.

"Uh, yes" I answered nodding.

"To be honest ma'am Rebecca, one week is a very short period of time to know a person, but for me she is a wonderful woman. Very beautiful inside and out though she looks scary because of her aura, maybe because of what happened to you? I remember when she came here her eyes is very swollen and I happened to hear from sir Billy that they go straight to the cemetery that time from airport before going here. She actually didn't stay here as she always left in the morning and stays in the cemetery to visit you. She always brought a bouquet of a beautiful red roses because it was your favourite. And before her last day staying here, she woke up very early in the morning to cooked your favourite meals. Thats how I learned this recipe from her. She's also pretty amazing in the kitchen, I mean her skills." She answered smiling. And I just simple nodded at her without noticing  myself smiling at her story too.

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