Chapter 81

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Becca's pov

The next thing that happened was I woke up in the hospital, not in the same hospital where Jane is working or where I stayed more than two years being unconscious because the room was quite new, and unfamiliar.

"Oh. Thank you God, ma'am Rebecca are you okay? Do you feel something? Pain or anything, so I can  call the doctor?" Mina asked in panicked. But before I could answer I tried to roam my eyes searching for someone inside the room other than her but there is no one and I know she noticed me.

"Im good, I guess" I answered nonchalantly trying to get myself to sit and she helped me.

"I already informed your brother ma'am Rebecca, and he will be here in any minute." She said bowing her head. "And the doctor said you need to take some rest too, and avoid stressing yourself ma'am" She added.

"Thank you Mina" I said not really looking at her. I don't want my brother to see me on this state, because it will be a big slapped for me. I know he would scold me again, but Mina is just doing her job and I have no right to get mad at her.

"It's really nothing ma'am, I am thankful that your room isn't locked when I heard a loud thump and I immediately called your brother when I saw you were already on the floor." She said still bowing her head.

"Hmmm, thank you again" I said trying to fight my sleepyhead but I couldn't, maybe because of the medicine.

Richie's pov

I was in the middle of meeting when I recieved a phone call from Mina. I wasted no time and answered it. It happens that Becca lost her conscious again. I immediately informed my securities  around the building to bring my sister on the hospital, owned by a friend of mine.

I wont bring my sister back to the hospital where her so called "fiancée" works after I asked my men to investigate her. And no I can't trust that woman, especially not when I know her secrets and motives.  Bad motives to be exact.

As I reach the hospital I found my sister lying in the hospital bed. Mina said that she fall asleep again. Perhaps it is because of the pain killer that the doctor had given to her.

Mina also informed me how she found Becca. She said that there is a lot of picture of her with Freen on the floor, and also the video tape recorder was still playing when she got inside Becca's room, and maybe thats the reason why she lost her conscious. Mina said she will go back to my penthouse to prepare some foods since the doctor wont allowed Becca to go home after twenty four hours. I also asked her to bring some clothes for my sister and also those pictures and the video tape recorder.

As Mina left, I waited patiently for my sister to woke up. I asked Billy to prepared everything incase my sister would want to go to thailand. I know my sister very well. I am certain, that after seeing those proofs she will definitely take a move, and that is to find Freen Sarocha Chankimha.

I can already imagined what will happened. I already thought about it, but at the same time I am afraid because of Freen.

I remember after I told her the truth I heard nothing from her, like literally nothing. She didn't say anything at all and thats scared the shit out of me. I'd rather accept if she hurt me with her words, or shout at me or even hurt me physically but no. She was just there, sitting nonchalantly with her legs crossed.
I can't look straight in her eyes because if a stare can killed I am sure that I am already dead by now.

I know what I did will never be undone, I can't go back to the past to correct my mistakes,  but that doesn't mean that I will just sit here and do nothing. Especially when it comes to the them. The only family that I have. And I will do my very best to settle everything. To make them whole again.

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