Chapter 24

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Becca's pov

It was almost five in the afternoon. And I decided to get out of my car. I was waiting freen for almost three hours. And there she is walking with Nita. I don't know why, but I don't like what I'm seeing right now.

Sarocha! I called her. I know she was shocked the way how I shouted, but I don't care.

Hi becca, why are you still here? Not Nita asking me that dumd question.

Im waiting for freen. Isn't it obvious? I answered but my eyes were stuck on freen.

Oh, okay. I better go now. See you tomorrow guys. Nita said but I just ignored her.

"Yeah you better go"

See you tomorrow Nita. Freen said.

"See you tomorrow nita" I said mimicking her when Nita left.

Seriously Rebecca what is wrong with you? She asked

There is nothing wrong with me, I'm perfectly fine. I answered smiling. But deep inside I wasn't really happy.

That's not what I'm talking about. She said
And I know, that you know what I was talking about. She added.

Lets get inside the car first, it seems that the rain will pour any minute. I answered seeing the dark clouds at the sky

I'm not gonna move until you answered my question. She said.

Don't make me carry you Sarocha, don't under estimate my strength. You are just an inches taller than me. But I am way stronger than you. I answered.

She was about to walk away but there's a loud thunderstorm. Reason for her to run into me and hugged me tightly.
I didn't know that she was scared at the thunder. And I was thankful about it.

I told you, let's get inside the car. I said while caressing her hair. I'm also thankful to the shoes I'm wearing, somehow I have the same height as her.

We got inside the car before the rain started.

Are you okay? I asked her worriedly but she just nodded. I can feel that she don't want to talk so I just let her enjoy the silence and drive straight to her place.

After twenty minutes, I parked my car in front of the building where she was staying.

"I don't like her"
"Im sorry"

We both said in unison. I look at her.

You go first, I said.

No, you go first. She said. And what do you mean you don't like her? She added while giving me a puzzled look.

I, uhm.. was talking about Nita. I said.

And what about her? She asked raising her eyebrows

I don't like her being around with you. I answered.

And why is that? She is a friend of mine. I've known her more than I know you. She answered. "That hurts a little"

But you didn't know that she likes you more than a friend? I said in a low tone. I know she was shocked about what I've said, but I don't really care at all.

Look, I don't know what's got into you, but you misunderstanding this. She said.

No, I'm not freen. Im sure about it. I can tell. I answered

I think, we should stop here. She said. You  should also stop doing this bec. She added.

"She wanted me to stop, tho I'm not even started yet. Does she wants to break my heart this early?"

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