Chapter 32

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Becca's pov

"So I'm expecting that you are prepared for my revenge..."

After hearing what freen said, I waste no time and run inside the bathroom and shut the door. I can hear her giggles from the outside.

I was just teasing her but I didn't think that she would take it seriously. Now I can't stop my heart from racing and my face were all red. I decided to wash my face to reduce the heat that I'm feeling.

Babe can you please hurry up. I need to use the bathroom. She said from the outside while knocking the door.

I fixed my self before opening the door for her.

Did you just run away from me? She said staring straight to my eyes. Her eyes was so intimidating that can easily melt my entire body.

No. I uh .mm just rushed because I need to pee. I answered stuttering.

Is that so?  She said with a poker face and I nodded as a response.

Freen, what are you doing? I asked her after seeing her trying to take off her clothes infront of me.

Taking this off. I thought you don't like it. She said smirking. I hardly close my eyes because of her boldness. This not the freen that I used to know. "Or maybe she is?"

Babe I'm waiting for you, I thought we will take shower together? Do you need help for taking off your clothes? She asked with a furrowed brows. She is now already inside the bathtub wearing nothing with her hair tide up into a bun. She now turn the shower on.

"This girl is totally killing me"

I started to remove my clothes and join freen inside.

I thought you change your mind? She asked

How can I resist you? I answered pulling her waist closer to mine but she immediately remove my hands.

You are not allowed to touch me, nor your body. Not until I say so. She said. I hardly gulped after hearing those words from her. I can feel an electric wave running back in fort through my entire body.

Now I can feel the warm water running through my skin, but Freen's hand was more warmer than that, especially when she start applying the soap on my nakedness.

Your so beautiful babe. She said in a hoarse voice. I can feel that my face was now red as tomato. Especially when she start massaging one of my mountains with soap.

God, baby. Ahhh, You're torturing me. I said between moans. I can feel that my legs becoming weak. Any moment I would definitely fall.

Really? Let me show you what real torture is. After what she said. She immediately rinse all the soap on my body after that she carry me in her hands in a bridal way.

Baby put me down, we might slipped. I said while hugging her neck afraid to fall down.

Do you think I would let that to happen? She asked and I shook my head as an answer.

She gently put me on the bed and positioned herself on the top of me. I was staring at her eyes not to notice that she is tying both of my hands up on the headboard.

Freen what are you do.... I can't even finished the words I want to say when she already crashed her lips into mine.


I let out a soft moan when she gently bite my lower lips.

That is for running away earlier. She was talking about my hands that she tied up.

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