Chapter 79

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Freen's pov

"Rebecca is alive"

"Rebecca is alive"

"Rebecca is alive"

It's been a week since I heard that shocking news from Richie and its echoing in my ears and in my head to the point that I can't even focused on my work, in my company and at the same time to my own kids.

I am so happy, we were all happy when Richie visited us last week. But why would he ruined it in such as kind of a news? When everything is already on its place? When I already tried to accept that she's gone? Somehow. Because I have kids that resembles her.

At first, I didn't know how to react on that news. I was shocked as hell, yes. But at the same time I was mad. Very very mad at Richie, of all the people why he choose to hide the truth from me? Me as his sister's wife? He keeps telling me that I am the only person that he can trust but why he didn't trust me with that kind of a truth?

For God's sake, seven whole damn years, I was torturing myself because I couldn't accept that my wife died on that accident. But the truth is, he hide her from me, from all the people who love her, in a very private hospital and unconscious for years!

And now he will come back here to inform me that my wife is alive, and kicking? "What an actual fuck!"
But you know what hurt the most? is Richie, telling me that my wife couldn't remember anything about me, that she can't remember almost half of her life. But there is no other most painful and unacceptable thing that I would hear from him that "MY WIFE" is getting married to another woman. "Is my life kind a joke?"

I felt a pang on my chest, no it's not just a pang. My heart is already broken into pieces when I thought she died in that accident, but I tried to fix it and make it whole again even though there is a missing piece. And now it is crushed into pieces again because all this time she was alive and then, it became into powder when I heard that she found someone new. And I don't really know what kind of pain I am feeling. Its really hard to explain to the point that I couldn't feel anything anymore, emotionally and physically maybe because I already felt too much pain that I became this numb.


"Freen I am so sorry, I know what I did is unforgivable and I won't expect you to forgive me. But please don't give up on my sister. I know deep in her heart you are the one that she loves, is just that she can't remember anything about you. I know I am asking too much after all what I did. But please for the kids. Do it for them. I certainly know that my sister will come here in a week or two to find you and asked you to sign a divorce paper, I really hope that you wont agree on that Freen. She also didn't know about the kids. I didn't told her about them because she don't listen to me at all. And it's  your right to tell her about them. I'm really really sorry Freen." Richie said before he left. I didn't speak after he said that my wife is still alive and I let him finished as he wished. I showed him no emotion after all.

But when he left I throw the glass that I'm holding. Including the bottle of wine that we barely drink. Of course it was expensive, it is the wine that Becca asked me to buy when she planned to propose to me more than seven years ago. But I didn't mind throwing it, I dont really mind the price. Because the pain that I'm feeling is no amount of money.

I was betrayed by someone that I trusted the most. By someone I thought my saviour, but no. He is not. The pain is unbearable.

Imagine, you only had one last step to accept everything  and all of the sudden you will go back to square one and feel another pain. Its like deja vu. Or much worst than that. And when I got up to my room that night. I cried my heart out. Again.

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