Chapter 55

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This chapter is rated SPG

*BUT I know, no one here is under the age of 18? Am I right? I hope no. 🤭

Becca's pov

Going out of the bathroom she handed me the robe that was hanging in the bathroom door.

I lazily wore it and start blowing my hair dry. Freen was already out of the bathroom. I didn't heard anything from her aside from the last word she said that was still echoing in my head.

"Guess you didn't take my word seriously, and you disobey me."

I shooked my head for the thought that she was mad at me for disobeying her. "Or is she?" Gosh, why am I so nervous?

As soon as I walked out the bathroom, darkness welcomed me.

Shit, why is it so dark. I mumbled 

Babe? Where are you? I said a little louder but I got no response.

I tried to search for my phone but ended up hitting the chair with my toes. I winched in pain and pressed the affected area to ease the pain.

"Fuck" I murmured. And suddenly I felt some arms around me.

Are you okay babe? Freen asked. I can feel that she's really worried because of the tone of her voice.

Yeah. Just a little pain. I answered

Come, let me carry you. She said and within a minute she's already carrying me.

"Gosh, when did my fiancée became this strong?" I said in my mind. I know I'm not that big or heavy but neither a lightweight.

She then carefully lay me down on the bed. I also noticed that she hadn't change yet because she's still in her robe.

Don't worry, they are already fixing the electricity. After some minutes the lights will comeback. She said caressing my face. She used her phone as a temporary light.

Which side of your toes did you hurt? She asked furrowing her brows waiting for my answer

Uhmm, the right side. I answered stuttering.

Without further ado, she goes to the right side of my toes and start kissing it. I flinched a little when she does that.

Babe, what are you doing? I asked her.

Kissing your toes, so it won't hurt. She answered proudly as if I am a five year old kid.

Babe I'm not a kid anymore. I protest

Yes you are. Cause your my baby. She said. Thanks to her phone cause I can see how she smirk saying those words

After some moments the light came back.

I think its better to turn the lights off. What do you think babe? She asked

Well, as you wish babe. I answered and she turned the lights off. Living only the lampshade beside our bed.

She crawl back in the bed and position herself on the top of me.

Does it still hurt? She asked

Huh? I said trying to swallow a lump on my throat 

Im talking about your toes baby, does it still hurt? She said

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