Chapter 15

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I wokep up because of the sound of my phone. Its mhamee

Hello dear, good morning. I hope I'm not disturbing you. She said from the other line

I checked the time and it's only six thirty o'clock in the morning.

No, mahmee your not. I said yawning
I heard that she chuckled and it makes me smile

By the way dear, I call to inform you that Freen will come here today. She said

Hearing her name makes me wide awake. So I decided to sit on my bed leaning my back on my head board.

Oh.. I muttered. Good thing I decided to go to the penthouse as I was planning to stay at my condo last night.

She called me late last night dear saying that she will come today, and I didn't got a chance to call you last night because maybe you are already asleep. She explained.

It's okay mahmee. You already know what to do. I said

Okay dear. Thank you, and you can go back to sleep now. I know your still sleepy. She said giggling

Oh, mahmee. You really know me. Please call me later again, bye. I respond

I definitely will dear, please say hi for me to your parents. Bye. Have a good day!

I ended the call and put my phone back to my bedside table. I hug my pillow cozI forgot to bring my bunny stuffed toy in here.
I smiled when I remember what happened last night.

I stayed in my bed for half an hour. After that I decided to take a shower. I have no plans on going out today. So I would spend time with mom and dad alone, since richie was out of town for business.

And tomorrow is my first day of class.  I am excited coz I'll be going to the same school with my friends again after four years and little nervous at the same time coz I haven't been there yet.

I need to wake up early tomorrow to find where is the law building. Thailand International University is quite big. So maybe I need an extra time going around.

I'm thankful because I have my friends there to guide me. I will message them later on our group chat, so they can tour me around at the school tomorrow before class.

I got out my room and go straight to the dining. I saw my parents having a breakfast.

Good morning love. How was you night. My mom asked.

Good morning mom, dad. And gave them both a kiss on their cheeks.
I had a great night mom. And a day. I answered smiling.

I can tell. My dad said in a teasing way.

Dad.......I said while pulling the chair out from the table. But he just chuckled.  My dad really love teasing me.

Oh, by the way. Mahmee send her regards for both of you. And also auntie and uncle Lim. I added

How are they love? My mom asked.

They are all doing good mom. I answered and continued eating my waffles.

Do you have any plans today princess? My dad asked.

No dad. I'll be staying home. I answered smiling

How about we play tennis and a movie after? He asked

Sounds great. I answered.
It's been awhile that I haven't do any sports. The last time that I remember was when we were in australia.

After we finished our breakfast. My dad and I go to the tennis court yard. While mom decided to stay at the penthouse. She said she will make some snack for the movie later.

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