Chapter 42

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Next day.

It was already three forty five in the afternoon but the two lovers was still in their bed. It is indeed a long night and day for the both of them. Freen woke up first because of the uncomfortable position. It is not her but it was Becca's arm around her neck that almost choke her.

Despite of having trouble of breathing, she gently remove her lover's hand around her neck. Scared of waking her up.

She knows that Becca was very tired, not only from the party, but also to the "thing" that they did last night, to the point that the sun already shines before they both drifted to sleep.

A beautiful smile formed on Freen's lips remembering how wild her girlfriend last night. They did, not only one or two rounds but five consecutive rounds. Their room was filled with mess and after sex smell.

Becca's beautiful dress was torn out and so as Freen suit. Their under garments was everywhere.

Freen gently get up from the bed and start cleaning the mess that they did last night. Not minding to expose her sexy naked body while picking up their clothes and put it inside the laundry box. She smiled naughtily shaking her head after she cleaned the mess.

After cleaning, she go straight to the bathroom to freshen up. Twenty minutes later she was done showering. Wearing the bathrobe with her hair still dripping she go back straight to the bed to wake up her beautiful angel who was still peacefully sleeping.

Freen's pov..

My beautiful angel, time to wake up baby. We need to eat. I whispered to Becca while slightly shaking her body. And showering her with kisses. 

Hmmmmm. Five more minutes baby. Becca respond tiredly with her eyes still closed.

Baby we need to filled our stomach. Im very hungry. And its almost dinner. I respond pouting though she can't see it because her eyes was still closed.

What time is it now?  She asked, trying to open her eyes.

Its quarter to four in the afternoon babe. I replied caressing her soft pinkish cheeks. We need to eat babe. After that we can go back to sleep again. I added.

What? Its almost night? She asked confusedly and rushly got up from the bed. To check her phone. She was shock after confirming the time.

Oh my god. Babe I'm so sorry. Did I starve you? She asked again.

No baby, but if your not going to get ready, you'll probably starve me. I respond caressing my own stomach who was growling like a kingkong who lost jane from the movie.

Give me a minute okay? I'll be quick babe. She said and gave me a peck on my lips. I smiled nonstop because of the way how she react. Sometimes she act like a real baby, but most of the time she's different. Over protective and always spoiling me. Especially when we we're alone.

Same as me. I do the same to her. We balance everything. Perfectly fit to each other.

After some minutes she was done. She change in a crop top shirt with a shorts short. I don't mind her wearing those kind of clothes when we just inside the house. But when we go outside I don't allowed her to wear something that will caught someone's attention. Her looks is enough to attract someone,  what more if she wore those sexy clothes?

We walk downstairs with our hands intertwined. Smiling like it was our first meet. We go straight to the kitchen where we found mahmee preparing something.

There you are lovely dears. It seems that everyone was tired last night. Did you both have a good rest? Mahmee asked sounding like teasing both of us.

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