Chapter 66

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Becca's pov

Thanks God, and finally everything went well, Mr. Chen or should I say the man behind all the problems we faced in the company this past few months was already sent to jail for lifetime imprisonment. He found guilty for embezzlement and murder.

I didn't got the chance to be present on his first and last hearing since my father asked me to do something important. And I wouldn't care how fast did they do everything to put him behind bars because I am certain that my father did everything to catch him immediately. And when I said everything that is about his power and money.

For what sense, people would named him as a king of business for no reason? I know my father has a lot of connections to everything. Though Mr. Chen is also a billionaire yet, he is still nothing compared to my father's wealth. 

Wealth that certainly came from his hardwork.

I wonder what would be the chen brothers would feel knowing that their father is behind bars? No wonder why I don't like him in the first place. There's something on him that I can't quite fathom. Nevertheless, I don't feel pity for his son's. I know my dad, he did what is right.

But something was bothering me about the murder case. Who could it be? Is it one of our relatives that I didn't know? Perhaps someone who's a part of our family.

"Jezz.."  I shooked my head and took my phone sending a message to my wife. Im sure that she's already asleep so I didn't bother to call her. I will just surprise her. Tomorrow is her graduation ceremony, and we were on our way to the airport going back thailand. I was with my parents.

Richie decided to stay a little more since he came late.

And yes, we decided to came back home early as we planned. Since everything is good and at the same time my parents and I decided to surprise my wife.

God, I miss her so much. And I couldn't wait to see her.

Freen's pov

Today is the day that I'm going to receive my diploma. A certificate of my hardwork. For others maybe it was just a piece of paper with your name on it. But for me it is more than that. It is a fruit from all the struggles that I have been through. Something that I can be more proud of myself.

I got up from my bed with a smile on my face after reading a sweet message from my wife. To be honest, I would be more than happy if she is here during the ceremony but at the same time I totally understand her situation right now. And I respect it. We can celebrate after they came back.

Its only seven in the morning,  too early for the time of the ceremony which is at ten o'clock in the morning. But I decided to get up and go straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower I only wear a bathrobe with my undergarments inside and downstairs.

I saw mahmee preparing a breakfast with my mom. Yes, my mom came yesterday from Chiang mai to attend this special day of mine. Well she's the only one that I have after all. I mean before my wife came to my life.

I greet them a good morning and they kinda shock seeing me. They know what time the program will be started.

Seems that someone is excited hmmm. Mom said in a teasing way.

True khun nun. Mahmee said in agreement to what my mother had said. But I just smiled at them as a respond.

I sat on my place which is on the right side third place of the table. And yes we are here in the Armstrong's mansion. Or should I say my wife's mansion which is also my mansion because I just know  recently that her parents also put my name on the will.

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