Chapter 31

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Freen's pov

It's already dark when we get out from the company. We go straight to the parking lot, and hit the road.

Babe, this is not the way to my place.. I said when I notice that were taking a different route.

I know, because we were not going there. She answered nonchalantly

And where are we going? I asked confusedly

You'll know it later babe. She answered smiling and I just nodded at her.

After some minutes we arrived in front of the building where she brought me the first time we've meet.

What are we doing here? I asked

I want to show you something. She answered smiling and followed her. When we reach the elevator she hugged me.

Oh baby, I'm not going anywhere. I said while caressing her shoulder

I know, and I won't allow you to go anywhere without me. She said and I chuckled.

We reached the 28th floor but instead going to her unit she goes to another door.

Babe, what are you doing? You're entering the wrong door. I said but she just look at me and chuckled.

Oh, didn't I tell you that I owned this whole 28th floor? She said smiling. My jaw dropped after hearing it.

Dad bought this for me for my sixteenth birthday. She added.

Now it makes sense. I mumbled

Hmm? She hummed.

I said now it makes sense because when I came here last week it was so quiet I wonder maybe the walls are soundproof and at the same time I didn't see anyone to go in this floor. I explained

Don't worry baby, we will get to know each other more, for now let's focus on the present. And I want you to know that your the first to come here. Except from my family. She said and I can't stop my self smiling after knowing that I was the first person she brought her.

Are you ready? She asked smiling waiting for my answer before she opened the door.

I'm always ready with you. I answered and kissed her forehead.

She then slowly opened the door. The light was dim, this room is like a big sala with a three long sofa's, at the center there is a big screen. On the left side there is a mini bar that also has a music instruments. I can also hear a soft music playing on the background, but my eyes was pinned on the right side of the room. Where there is a table with candlelight and food that is already prepared with wine. You can also see the city lights from here. So perfect for a dinner date.


I turned my gaze at Becca who's now holding a bouquet of tulips. Which is my favourite.

Oh babe, thank you so much. I said while hugging her.

But how did you know that this was may favorite? I asked after we broke the hug

Maybe you forgot that your girlfriend is the one and only Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. She said smiling. And I just shooked my head on her naughtiness.

Baby, I want to bring you out for a date like any other normal couples do, but its better this way, right? More private so I can solo you. She said smirking and that makes me laugh.

Baby, I'm all yours, and your mine only. I whisper to her ears.

Let's have some dinner first, before I eat you. She said playfully.

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