Chapter 78

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Richie's pov

After seven years and a long hours of flight Im here again, standing in the land of thailand. A place where I couldn't call it a home anymore. I took a step going to the car whose waiting for me.

No one knows about my arrival except Freen. Billy open the car door for me. After I settled he run to the passenger's seat.

"Welcome back to thailand sir Richie" said by the driver who pick us up but I just nodded at him. He is one of our family driver here in thailand. And the only one who left working in the mansion, aside from Mahmee who took care of the mansion for years with two other maids and guards.

Some of the workers in the mansion before, didn't came back after the incident. And I really don't mind, Mahmee said that its better because I don't need to fired them.

As we drive in the city of Bangkok. I noticed that a lot of things had change, several building had been established, road becomes a little bit wider than before and those colorful pavements that will definitely attract people to walk in to.

As we about to passed to the Armstrongs Inc. building I ask our driver Mike to slow down the car. And he obeyed.

The building is still standing tall, still known as the king of business, and that is the only one that I can make myself proud. That despite of what had happened in the past, I still managed to operate our business and keep the title as   a King of business.

Its four in the morning when we arrived, so I decided to go straight to mansion first and get some little rest. I will meet Freen later in the afternoon.

As we arrived in the mansion, Mahmee was already awake. She was shocked as she saw me but instead she run to me and hugged me tightly. And I hugged her back.
Mahmee is like our second parent.  She is the one who took care of me and Becca when we were still a baby.

"Oh God, dear Richie, why you didn't informed me that you are coming? I should have prepared something for you, how are you? Hmm? She asked caressing my face.

"Im doing fine Mahmee, and I really didn't inform you because I wanted to surprise you." I answered.

"Do you need something? Are you hungry? I'll prepare something for you" She offered.

"Don't bother mahmee Im fine thank you, I just need a little rest and I will meet Freen and the kids later in the afternoon." I said smiling and she nodded.

"Okay, I'll prepare your room, just a minute so you could rest properly." She said and left.

The mansion was still the same as I left seven years ago. Nothing change, table and chairs and other things were in the same place as before. I smiled seeing the portrait of our family who is still hanging in the same spot. For a while, I was lost in my thoughts.

"Sir Richie, if you need anything just call me. I'll be in the resting area" Billy said and I nodded.

Minutes later and mahmee cameback. She said that my room is ready and I waste no time to go up straight to my room. There, I throw my self in my old bed, hoping that I could have a little sleep before I meet Freen.

I did have a little nap in the plane earlier but that wasn't enough since I can feel my own eyes closing on its own. And so I let it be

Freen's pov

I woke up when I feel a little hands wrapping around my body, and I smile when I realised that my kids fell asleep in my bed last night. They are pretty worn out yesterday after their long play with Bella in Yuki's house. When we reach home after, they asked if I could read them a story and so I did. But I didn't know when we all fell asleep becauseI was tired too. They all couldn't get over of the cuteness of my kids, especially Bella. I mean who wouldn't be?

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