Chapter 22

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Becca's pov

This is one the most unforgettable night of my life. I can't even stop myself from smiling.

I remember how the way she blushed after I kissed her cheeks. She's so adorable..

I reached home before eight. I was shocked seeing Richie at home. I thought he will come back on wednesday. But it seems that he got home early.

Hello little sis, did you missed me? He asked

Urghh, not even a second. I answered annoyingly and he just laugh at me.

I go straight to my parents who is watching some news at the sala, I gave them both a kiss on their cheeks as always.

How was the first day of class love? My mom asked.

I had a great day mom. The school was so big compare to what I expected, the students are amazing and so as the professors. I answered

It seems that you really enjoyed it princess. My dad said.

Yeah dad. I answered smiling

Okay love get changed, I will asked mahmee to prepare the dinner. My mom said

Mom, I already had my dinner, thank you. I said

Did you eat outside with your friends? Mom asked

No mom, I had dinner with freen. I answered while heading to my room.

Is it a dinner date? My dad asked teasingly. I know if he start he wouldn't stop. My mom just smile at me.

Dad!!  I said pouting. And he chuckled. I shooked my head, sometimes my father acts like a teenager when he teases me..

Who is freen? Richie interrupt.

It's non your business Richie. I answered but before I got inside to my room I saw him eyeing my parents like he was asking about freen. But mom and dad just shrugged their shoulders. I chuckled because of that. And entered my room.

I took off my uniform and put it inside the basket along with the other dirty clothes. I covered myself with a bathrobe and filled the bathtub with a warm water and pour some scented bath bubbles. I wanted to soak my body for fifteen minutes in a warm water to relax.

I also played some soft music and closed my eyes. And the only thing I see is a picture of her beautiful face. Her beautiful eyes that can capture everyones attention, full of emotions that can easily drowned you. That's what I felt when I stare at her earlier.

And those nose, I hardly gulped when I imagine her sniffing at my neck, sucking the scent of it using her perfect nose. It gives me goosebumps.

Lastly, her perfectly heart shaped lips. Gosh, whenever I saw it, I can't help myself but to bite my own lips. I really want to taste those lips of her, thinking how soft and sweet they are. I hold my chest, just thinking of you makes my heartbeat fast.

"What did you do to me Sarocha?"

I got out from the bathtub, dry my body with the towel and wear a pair of pj's. I'll sleep early tonight. I need to wake up so early tomorrow morning.

"See you in my dreams Sarocha."


Next morning

I woke up before anyone does, It's only four thirty-five o'clock in the morning, but I decided to get up and took a quick shower.
After changing I prepared all the gadgets that I'll be needing and put it inside my bag.

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