Chapter 17

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Becca's pov

Past eight in the evening when we decided to go home. It was a pleasant evening for both of my parents. But it was a nightmare for me.

After what my mom said earlier, I didn't dare to speak nor listen to what they were talking about. As my imagination already took my attention. And I am glad that they didn't bothered to asked me either. Which makes me feel a little better. Maybe they also noticed it.

I am also glad that my parents like her. I mean who wouldn't be? I am not jealous, I just feel a little embarrassed. Not to anyone but to myself. I let out a big sigh.

We were about to exit. When suddenly Freen called me.

Bec, can I have a minute with you? She asked

I am confused about what she wants to tell me. Though some part of me already know what she wants to talk about...
Should I tell her the truth? Or should I lie? Urghhhhhh.. why is it so hard to decide....

We will wait for you in the car love. Mom said while tapping my shoulder. Thank you so much again Chef Freen. She added before they left. And Freen smiled at them.

I turned to Freens direction who's now staring at me.

I uhmm, ahh. I stuttered. Seriously? not even a word wants to come out of my mouth.

I heard Freen chuckled because of my reaction. "Only if she knows how embarrassed I am.."

Eheeerm, uhm thank you so much Bec. She said

My eyes widened for some reason.

Foorrr what? I asked nonchalantly, but she smiled at me. For God's sake, she's smiling at me. And it makes me feel dumb.

For helping me that night. She said

My jaw dropped and my eyes got widened. Like how did she know?

Hoowww did you know? I asked stuttering.

She came closer to me. So close...and whispered.

Let's say, your not good at hiding. She chuckled like she won from a teasing contest. "Well, she actually did"

I was stunned by her actions. I can feel the heat throughout my entire body. If earlier I look like an overripe tomato. Now I am sure it was worst than that. And this is what Im telling you about that I just act cool and tough when she's around, but deep inside I am weak. No, she makes me weak...

"Urghhhhhh, this girl was really far beyond from what I expected"

Well, anyone would do the same if they were in my shoe that night. I mean not the "hiding"
part, for sure you can understand why I did that. I said with an emotionless tone.

She nodded.

But not anyone would go back just to save a stranger like me. She said in a calm tone. And I gave her a puzzled look.

I just knew earlier that it was you who helped me that night. But I have no idea how and why you did it. Not until your parents told me the whole story. I know, thank you is not enough for what you did. She added.

I can feel the sincerity in her. I can see it through her beautiful eyes. I gave her a smile as I don't know what to say anymore.

I was about to leave. But before I left.

Uhm, Do you have your phone with you? I asked

Yeah, why? She asked confusedly

Please hand it to me. I said in a demanding tone. She gave me a puzzled look but then, she handed it to me. I put my number and save it myself before I gave it back to her.

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