Chapter 63

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Freen's pov.

When I arrived home mhamee was waiting for me in the living room. After heating my food I let her take a rest. I know that she was also tired. If I only track my time earlier I wouldn't come home late. And now I feel a bit embarrassed, although mahmee keep saying that its okay because she understands me.

I heaved a sigh and eat my dinner. After that I also wash the dishes. Some of the maids are on vacation. Only mahmee was left here and Billy. As for Richie he will came back after two days but, he will be going to UK afterwards. I heard that he is in the Philippines now for his new upcoming project.

Billy on the other hand went straight to the quarters. Its a room for him and Becca's bodyguards which is Mr. Joe and Mr. Jack.

After cleaning the dishes I went upstairs. I am not really a fan of living in a big house. Now I feel like it was a haunted mansion. It's too quiet for me, far from what I am used to when my wife is here and her parents.

I go straight to the bathroom to take a warm bath. I really need it to help me fall asleep. "How I really wish I could do that."

After filling the tub with warm water I immediately soaked my body for a good twenty minutes. After that I got out from the bathroom wearing a robe. I open our cabinet to take a pair of pj's when I notice
A big pink carebear plushie that wearing Becca's shirt and there's a note inside of it.

Hello my love,

I know that you will be having a trouble of sleeping without me by your side. So I secretly bought this cute carebear for you and  I made it wear my shirt. Just incase you can't sleep, think that this carebear is me for the meantime. 🥰 I love you my love. ️❤️

fr. your Beautiful Angel

After reading my wife's cute message a smile plastered on my lips I felt like the stress I was feeling from earlier was gone. I took the plushie and hugged it tightly together with the letter. After wearing my pj's I went straight to the bed. I also informed mahmee earlier not to change the bedsheets and covered because of my wife's smell on it.

I checked my phone and its already eleven. I hope that I can have enough sleep for tomorrow.

Becca's pov

After almost fifteen hours of flight, we finally landed safely in Birmingham airport. It's almost one in the morning here and its quite freezing yet we still need to travel by car for another twenty minutes going to our home. Or should I say my father's home. Where I almost spend half of my life.

My grandparents welcomed us. They didn't sleep just to wait for our arrival.
After greeting them I excused myself to call my wife. They didn't know that I am already married thats why they were a bit shocked after knowing about it. And my grandparents were so excited to meet my wife.

I know by this time she's already awake knowing that bangkok is ahead of six hours from here.

I go upstairs to my old room and change my clothes into a thicker one. Its been almost six years since I haven't came here. However my room was still the same. Nothing changed, except from the paint that its almost fading.

Posters of Taylor Swift were still hanging on its place, together with the limited edition poster of Emma Watson that I put in frame. It has her signature on it.
I smiled while shaking my head when I remember how I got the chance to make her sign that poster.

I look outside the window after changing.  Its quite snowing which I really miss. Houses were still the same.
The difference here is that people doesn't like to show off. You'll never know that which one is millionaire or billionaire.

I took my phone out from my bag and start calling my wife.

Good morning my love. I said cheerfully as soon as she answered my call. I can see that she is already prepared for work. She is wearing a suit which makes her so damn hot.

Good morning my beautiful angel. How was your flight baby? Did you sleep in the plane? Didn't you feel dizzy? Or did you vomit? She asked endlessly and worried at the same time. She knows that I really hate flying.

Don't worry babe. I'm perfectly fine. And yes I sleep the whole journey. I answered smiling.

Did you had a good sleep last babe? Now I'm the one asking her worriedly. For sure she saw the carebear I left inside the cabinet for her.

Hmmm. She said nodding. Thank you for the mini you. I had enough sleep because of it. She added smiling.

Im glad to know baby. Did you had your breakfast already? I asked

Yes, babe. Don't worry mahmee take good care of me here. Though I can take care of myself. She answered proudly.
Im actually on my way to the company.  Today I have an appointment with mr. David regarding with the new project.  She added.

It is about building another branch of the restaurant somewhere in pattaya. She already mention it to me last time.

Oh, I know it will be successful baby. You are really good at it. I said winking at her. And she chuckled

I miss you though. Last night I kinda sleep late. Because your not beside me. She said pouting. She's cute when she show me this side of her. It makes me wanna put her inside my pocket.

And I miss you too mrs. Armstrong. I said cheerfully with a little tease. I don't want you to be sad babe. Remember your the one who said that I need to be strong when Im away from you yet, your the one who's more likely needed to be pampered. I said and she heaved a sigh.

Baby, I love you. I said smiling sweetly at the camera.

And I love you more babe. She said kissing the screen and I did the same.

I'll call you later during your lunch time okay. Don't overworked your body and mind. And also eat on time okay my love? I said sounded like more older than her.

Okay babe. Get some rest too. I know you were tired from your flight. Please say hi to mom and dad for me. She said now smiling.

I'll probably will baby, and by the way, grandma and grandad wish to see you soon. They were both excited. Maybe they will come with mom and dad after a month and after fixing the problem here. I said.

Oh, really? I can't wait to meet them too babe. I love you my beautiful angel. Also eat on time okay? I'll talk to you later. She said waiving at the screen.

I love you baby. I respond blowing a kiss to her.

After almost half an hour of talking to her I prepared myself to sleep again. She didn't know that I took two of her favourite shirt with me.

I made it like a pillow case and start hugging it tightly while sniffing her scent on it. I am certain that everyone was on their room so I didn't bothered myself to go downstairs. Instead I prepared myself to get more rest.

Surely that the day after tomorrow we will all be more preoccupied.

to be continued.......

Is everyone still awake? Please get some sleep. "coming from the one who only had a three hours sleep, yet I'm still fighting 💪😅🤭

How are you ally beautiful reader's? Hope you are all doing well. Don't worry your author looks like a zombie 🧟‍♀️🤣 a beautiful one 😅✌️✌️✌️

Anyways, always keep safe everyone, don't get sick and don't forget to smile 🥰😍😘🧡🧡🧡

Enjoy reading 😊

Ps. I drink 1 liter of caffeine thats why I'm still awake. Now my problem is how to sleep 😅😅😅🤣

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