Chapter 73

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Freen's pov

I stayed in the cemetery the whole day. And go back to Richie's place before the sun goes down. As what I asked him earlier, Billy didn't followed me. Which I'm thankful because first, I know he has a lot of things to do. And following me will just a waste of his time. Second, I don't want to burden him or them. I didn't came here in the first place for that.

I just want a piece of mind. Or perhaps some reason to move on so I can live my life the way I wanted. If I wanted. And I'm thankful to Richie for that. This past two days we talked a lot of thing about business, family and of course our own lives.

And as I left the cemetery, I have made a decision. And I hope it will all goes well.

I waited Richie to comeback from his company.  I am so excited share this to him.

Meanwhile, Richie was so invested to the meeting with one of his business partner when suddenly his phone started to rang.
He checked the one who's calling and he immediately excused himself to answer it. He can't ignored the call. So after answering the phone call he ended the meeting and ask Billy to reschedule it again. He then rushed to the hospital afterwards.

Upon reaching the hospital Richie can feel his heart pounding in his chest. As if it wants to came out from his ribcage. He is absolutely nervous, scared to what might the doctor would say. As his anxiety is about to attack Billy put his hands on his shoulder. And gave him a courage look that everything will be okay.

He tried his best to calm himself as much as he can. Then he saw the doctor approaching to them. tell me it is not a bad news.. He said in panicked.

Oh it's not mr. Armstrong. My apologies for calling you to rushed her as soon as you can because I cannot discuss it to you over a phone call. And Richie let out a sigh upon hearing the doctor. And they continue to walk in the hospital hall to where his sister room is.

Upon reaching the private room, Richie still didn't notice the changes in her sister as he was so focused to the doctor.

So as you can see mr. Armstrong we removed some apparatus to her. Doctor said and Richie look at her sister unconscious body lying on the bed with his wide eyes.

We see some improvements earlier and we do some examinations. I am happy to inform you that she don't need those oxygen machines for her breathing. And with that we decided to remove some apparatus. But at the same time this is for temporarily only mr. Armstrong.  We still cannot be careless and we still didn't no when will she gained her conscious and we also need to monitor her from time to time. But to make everything clear, I can say that this is a good sign. The doctor said and after explaining everything to him he excused himself.

Richie take the seat next to her sister's bed.

You heard that little sis? Everything will be okay. So I need you to wake immediately as you can. Im here waiting for you. All of us, especially your wife. You need to help me here you know? Because I still didn't know how to tell her the truth. I need you to fight okay? Fight little sis, I know you are strong. Richie whispered smiling at her unconscious sister while holding her pale hands.

Billy on the other hand is smiling too about this news. He is serving the Armstrongs for almost half of his life. And the incident affect him as well. For him, they are not just his superior but also a family. Although he is just a merely assistant of the one and only Richard Armstrong for a decade and counting he never felt different from them because they treat him well, they treated him like he is a part of their family. And thats how he felt towards to them too. A family.

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