Chapter 68

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One year and a half later...

Freen's pov

I arrived in birmingham airport at exactly nine in the morning. After passing the immigration I stop by in a flower shop inside the airport.

Hello beautiful lady, welcome to england. Would you like to purchase a bouquet of beautiful flowers? Asked by the old lady who is in charge of the flower shop, if I'm not mistaken she's already in her fifties.

Uhm, hello. I greeted her shyly. Do you have red roses? I asked trying to look at the display if its available but I see nothing.

Oh yes, off course I have. I just don't put it on display. Because you know, this kind of flower has a lot of meaning for me. She said smiling.

Uhm, okay..? I said smiling at her.

Would you like a bouquet of it? She asked

Yes please. Thank you. I answered giving her a slight smile.

Okay, just a minute there young lady. She said and she go inside the room where maybe she stores the flowers.

Minutes later and she came out from the room where she entered holding a bouquet of fresh and perfectly arranged beautiful red roses. I smiled widely upon seeing it.

There you go young lady. I hope someone to recieved this will be happy. She said smiling after putting the flower on the counter.

Its for my wife actually, its her favourite. I smiled shyly.

Oh, she must be lucky then. She said again smiling. Would you like to pay in cash or card? She added with his strong british accent that remind me of someone.

Card please. I response taking my card out from my wallet. She then took the device and set the amount of the flower then I immediately tap it in the scanner.

Thank you so much. And enjoy your special day with you wife. She said and I just nodded.

Pulling my small luggage going to the exit. I already saw Billy from a far, he wave and run to me.

Its good to see you again ma'am Freen.  He said slightly smiling but I just hummed at him while he's taking the luggage from my hand and put it at the back of the car.

Would you like to put the flower in the backseat ma'am Freen? He asked before going inside the car.

No, I'll seat in the backseat. I want to gold it. I said and he opened the door for me. I immediately got inside the car and put my seatbelt on.

Would you like to go in..... I didn't let him finished his words as I cut him off.

Please bring me to her. I said and focused my sight outside.

I guess he felt that and he didn't bothered me as he started the engine.

England is beautiful and peaceful compare to thailand where I came from. I should be enjoying this moment but I really can't. I embrace myself tightly and forced my eyes to shut as I open the window to feel the fresh air hitting my face.

This place is far from what I expected, its full of green and different colors because of the beautiful flowers and trees in the roadside just like in Chiang mai where I grew up.

After half an our of the silent ride we finally came to where she was.

I breath in and out before going out the car. But before that I told billy to wait for me where he is.

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