Chapter 8

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Freen's pov

Im here at the market now, buying all the ingredients that I need for the dish that I'll be making.

Its only 4 in the morning but the market is already full of buyers. I know I promised nam to get rest, but I can't stop myself from working. Besides, I already prepared the stuffs that I'll be needing next week.

I only accept maximum of 50 orders everytime I do live. But last night I add an order from one of my followers who's working in The Armstrongs Inc. Also, I choose the one whose near at my place so it would be easy and fast for the delivery.

I already called mr. Lou last night. His the one who's helping me for delivering the orders.


Becca's pov

It's only 5 in the morning. I'm still groggy but I need to get up. Today is the first day of my "punishment".

I go to my bathroom to take a shower. After that, I blow my hair dry, and apply some make up on and go to my wardrobe. It took me a lot of time choosing what to wear.

At the end I decided to wear a black trousers with a white long sleeves and a 3 inches heels.

After I finish, I got out of my room and go to the dining where my parents are already having their breakfast. I greeted them as usual.

Ready on your first day princess? My dad asked.

Not really dad. I answered

I can see, but you'll get used to it. Besides, I only have you and richie to continue what me and your mom had started. He added


I know it's not easy and I'm not pushing you to do it. But atleast try it. I mean you'll decide after 3 months. He added.

I just nod to what my father said.

By the way, are you coming with us or with richie? He asked.

I'll drive myself dad. It's not that far tho. I answered.

Okay then. He replied.

At the office..

Gosh, it's only 10 in the morning as I checked my phone. I thought it's already 12 in the afternoon. We've just finished the meeting with the new clients. So far it came out all good.

I was at my own office next to richie. Although I don't work here, still they decided to make one for me, just incase I change my mind.

"Well I don't think if that will happen."

After a couple of minutes, someone knocked on the door.

Please come...

It's ms. Kim richie's secretary.

Ma'am rebecca, the meeting with the top investors will start in 5 minutes. She said

I'll come, thank you ms. Kim. I answered

"Gosh, I really can't wait until 5 pm".

I go straight to the meeting room.
And when I opened the door they all looked at me. I've seen 15 people sitting on this big table together with my parents and richie.

My dad introduced me to them. Though some of them already known me.

Please meet my one and only daughter, Rebecca. My dad said.

I bowed my head as a respect, before sitting next to my mother.

It's nice to see you here for the first ms. Armstrong, said by this old man who's in his 60's. If im not mistaken he is mr. Chen.

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