Chapter 14

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Freen's pov

I rushed to my unit when I got out from her car. Gosh this angel is making me crazy. Really crazy, I hold my chest at the back of my front door as I can't stop my heart from racing. I feel like I'm having a heart attack at any moment.

From the moment I entered her car up to when we reach my place Im trying my best to calm myself. But it seems that I can't control it.

"Good night Sarocha...."

Her sweet voice keep echoing on my mind. And no one ever called me with my real name. Not even my mother!

Her sweet voice when she mentioned my name... I'm trying so hard to remember it. Someone called me with my real name before...

"This can't be." I murmured when I remember it. I need to make sure that, what was I'm thinking is right. And there's only one thing to prove it. I need to visit someone tomorrow.

I decided to take a warm bath before going to bed. But I dont know if I can have a good night sleep either...

Next morning ....

I get up early, though I really didn't get enough sleep because my mind was pretty occupied of someone.

It's on six only in the morning, and I decided to took a shower. After that I wear a simple shirt and a skirt. I also choose to wear a sneakers.

I want to visit mahmee today. I will pass by to the market to buy something before going there. I already called her last night to inform her and she's expecting me to come today.
She must be excuted based on the spind of her voice while we we're talking on the phone last night.

I'm already done buying the things that I need, and Im waiting for the cab that I booked. After a minute the cab arrived and drive me to the the building where mahmee's stay.

I got out from the cab and entered the building. The guard greeted me.

Good morning ma'am, going to the 28th floor? He asked. I was shocked because, how did he know which floor I am going?
Maybe he already know all the people staying here. I mean, this building is exclusive and I've been here once but the guards already know me? "Thats kinda Weird"

But some part of me thinks that maybe mahmee already informed them.

Good morning. Yes, I'm going to the 28th floor. I answered politely and he just smiled at me widely. "Strange"

I shook my head and got inside the elevator. I pressed the 28th floor. After some moment I reach the floor. And here's more weirder, this floor seems to be more quite compared to other floors. Maybe the walls are made of soundproof because I can't hear or even see anyone staying in this floor except mahmee and maybe her "boss".

Speaking of which. That's the reason why I'm here today. I have this guts, that the person who helped me last time when I lost my conscious and the person who ordered the food during my last live was her "becca" I know it sounds crazy but all the dots were connected to her.

Yeah, I made a little investigation about Becca. Well, not actually Becca, but about the person who helped me before. And I'm sure that it was her. Also those guys or should I say her bodyguards helped me a lot on my "little investigation" to connect all the dots, and it points to her.

I knocked the door and mahmee immediately opened it for me. Maybe she's only waiting for me. I hugged her when we entered in the sala

Oh dear, thank you for coming. She said smiling

Mahmee, I promised to give you a visit when I'm free. I said

I also brought something, I hope you would allow me to use the kitchen so I can make some soup for you, I hope that your boss wouldn't mind about it. I added

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