Chapter 29

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We just came back from the beach after doing a lot of activities. We did snorkeling, jet skiing and parasailing. And I felt so much joy doing all of it with Becca.

I admit that this is the first time that I felt like I'm a human too. And that is because of her, she made me very special. I've never thought that I would meet someone like her and fall in love with her? "Did I just say that falling in love?"

Yeah, its because falling inlove is out of my league, "that was before, not until Becca came into my life"  I am so focused on how to be successful someday, and because of that I forgot to enjoy my own life. My life is just so boring, and lifeless but because of Becca, everything changed.

She's like a rainbow, after my rain
A sun that shines so bright in my morning
A beautiful sunset in my afternoon
A shining star in my wide sky
And a moon to my darkness
And she is my everything now.
"And I will promise to myself that I will love her and take care of her ONLY HER, till the day I die."

What are you thinking babe? She asked while leaning to my shoulder. We took a rest after doing those activities earlier. And we were now seating at the beach listening to the waves.

Nothing baby. I answered smiling while my hands around her. I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Let's go babe? Before we got home late. I added. And she nodded. We walk back to the house with our hands intertwined.

Its already four in the afternoon, as much as Bec and I want to stay longer here in pattaya, we decided to head back to bangkok early before the sun goes down. We both know that the two hour drive going back there will take it double or more due to a heavy traffic.

She got into her room, while I go to the guestroom. I fixed my stuffs first before taking a shower. And prepare my clothes before going inside the bathroom.

After taking a shower, blow my hair dry. But I immediately stop doing what I'm doing when I notice something on my neck. So to make sure what it is I move closer to the mirror to confirmed it. 

"Oh my Goodness" I mumbled after seeing those hickeys on my neck. "Yes those", because its not only one and not only on my neck, even my chest and "oh my god rebecca!!"

Why I didn't notice this earlier? I shooked my head when I remember this guy earlier who assist us. He was staring at my neck and smiling like crazy, because of this?!

Becca!!! I stormed in to her room and there she is, she just finished taking shower. "Gosh, why do you have to be this ho...." I immediately shooked my head for that thinking, becasue I came here for a different reason..

What happened babe? Are you okay? She run to me and asked worriedly.

Why did you do this? I said while showing her the hickeys that she made. But she just giggled, she then lean closer to mine and whispered.

To mark whats mine.  She said and wink

Becca! Tomorrow is the start of my internship. How am I supposed to hide this? I asked. But she just smile at me.

Then don't hide it babe. It looks really good on you. She said smirking.


Just wait for my revenge! I said and turned my back.

Can't wait for it baby. She said giggling. And I just shooked my head because of it. I'm not mad at her and I can't get mad at her..

I go back to my room and wear my clothes. Just a simple shirt and jeans. I tried my best hiding this kiss mark with make up, I hope it will help.

After changing and fixing my stuffs I go downstairs and wait for her. After some minutes she came and we said thank you to Noi. While mr.Joe took our bags and put it to Becca's car.

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