Chapter 48

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Author's note

Happy New Year....woooooooohhhh...

Everyone shout from the top of their lungs as the count down end.

A loud shot went straight up before exploding, shattered into a thousand beautiful sparks in the sky, others tumbled like a scarlet waterfall, float in a glittering silver, gold, blue, red and yellow with different shapes.

The dark sky became colorful and beautiful beacause of the fireworks display.

Sound of different fireworks can be heard. People are cheering, dancing, singing while others are jumping.

But in the middle of thousands of people in the big city of tokyo, there's the two lovebirds. Freen and Becca kissing passionately under the beautiful fireworks display surrounded by a thousands of strangers.

Despite of the deafening sounds of their surroundings. For them, the world seems so quite and peaceful as they both devour each others lip. Kissing, as if there is no tomorrow.

Happy new year babe. This is our first new year together. Freen said after breaking the kissed. They both gasping for air.

A very happy new year to you too babe. Indeed our first new year together and we both made it memorable. Will spend more and more new years to come. Christmas and many more celebrations together. Becca responded snaking her arms around her fiancée nape. Gently caressing it.

I love you my beautiful angel. And I am so thankful that God sent you down for me. Freen said between giggles that makes Becca slapped her shoulder because she can't stand her fiancée sweet words.

Thanks for catching me babe. I love you from the tip oy your hair down to the tip of your toes.  Rebecca replied. They both giggles for their own naughtiness.  Indeed that they both down bad for each other.

After watching a beautiful fireworks display, the two lovebirds continued to enjoy the new year's eve by going back to their hotel room.

Freen want to make this night so special for the both of them, so she decided to cook instead of ordering outside, since their room has a complete appliances.

Infact when they first came here the fridge was already full. They are both certain that their parents did that on purpose.

Freen already prepared everything earlier with the help of her fiancée before going out. As they both decided to watch the beautiful fireworks in the park rather than in their hotel room. There, they will probably enjoy it. Surrounded by thousands of strangers.

I am certain that I have gained weight babe, because of the delicious food that you made. Becca complained. But Freen found it cute.

I don't mind if you gained more weight baby. My love for you will never change even if you double your size. Or you'll have a big tummy. And squishy face or... Freen didn't finished her words.

Okay thats enough babe. Its not funny. Becca said in a serious tone.

Look babe. Freen said staring straight to Becca's dark hazel brown eye's while caressing her hands with her thumb that placed on the table. I am serious. I love you for who you are Rebecca, not because of what you have but becauseof who you are. I love you with all my heart baby. Always remember that okay? She added smiling.

Becca was touched by Freen's word. Off course she didn't doubt that, otherwise she won't propose to her or accept Freen's proposal. Even though their relationship was still new.

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