Chapter 7

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Freen's pov

While on our way to my apartment.

Nam, can i ask you something?

What is it freen?

About last night when you call me? Did you get any information about the lady who answered my phone?

Oh, you mean Pat? Well, she didn't say anything aside from her name. And I didn't get the chance to ask her either, since I was worried about you.


Yes that's her name. Why do you ask about it?

I was thinking how to thank her in person. But lady mhamee didn't say anything about her. She said she wants to hide her identity. And it makes me wonder why?

Well if thats the case, whatever her reason is we need to respect it freen. She said.

I nod to agree, nam is right.

By the way, did you send your application form already? 

She's asking about my internship.

Yes, I already send it last week. And I'm waiting for the call.  I answered

Which company? She asked.

The Armstrongs Inc. I respond

You mean the famous Armstrong? The king of business? She asked amazingly.

Yes, yes your right. I answered smiling.

Oh good luck to your intern freen, i know you will get it. She said

Thank you so much Nam, for everything. Im so grateful to have a friend like you.  I said.

And so am I freen. She answered.

We arrived in front of the building where I am staying. This is only a 3 storey building, each floor has 3 rooms. And mine was on the 3rd floor, last room. It is not that big, nor small.

Enough for me since I am the only one staying here. My mother came here once a month since she was also busy with our mini cafe.

There's only one bedroom, a sala and the bathroom was next to the kitchen.

Nam, would you like to stop by? I'm going to make a green tea.  I asked her.

I would love to, but not today freen, you should get more rest. Remember next week, school will start. And I know you will become more busy than usual. She said

Your right. I respond with a sad tone.

Hey, you don't have to worry about your part time job. I already informed mr. David about it.. You can work during weekends only, and that's when your internship starts.

Mr. David is the father of miss faye, the owner of the restaurant.

I am glad to hear that nam. Thank you so much!! And I hugged her before getting out of her car.

Your always welcome freen, get some rest okay? I'll be back on wednesday.

Okay, bye! Drive safe nam.

I will.

I waved her goodbye and walked upstairs to my place since there is no elevator in here.
I've got a lot of things to prepare.

I let out a sigh.

Becca's pov

It's almost six o'clock in the evening.  For sure my parents will be home in any minute. I am done checking the files that richie gave earlier. So far all of them are qualified. But I only need to choose five applicants. And that  includes freen.

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