Chapter 80

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Becca's pov

I spend my whole week happily with my fiancée going to different cities. This is the longest time that we spent together because she was busy at her work plus  my brother is always strict to the point that I need to fool my bodyguards so I can escape from them just to spend time with Jane.

I am so lucky to have her. Jane never gave up on me until I can walk again, she always encourage me not to give up. She became my legs during the time that I couldn't walked by myself. She stayed even though I'm pushing her away.
She got a very long patience for me even though sometimes I was so hard on her.

And that is the reason why I fell inlove with her. But our relationship isn't perfect, we fight but at the same time we talk it out, understand and forgive each other. Most of the things we fought about was our time.

Really, we were like teenagers that we need to hide. Well not her, its me. And that is because of my brother. He's been so protective to the point that I couldn't breathe anymore. It's suffocating to be his sister.

Thats why, I told him the truth. But guess what? It became worst than better when he told me that I am already married.
I mean who is he kidding, right? What a nonsense word to tell to your sister so you couldn't get married?

So I am now in the registrar office to get some copy of my important papers for my incoming marriage. I woke up early in the morning for this. And since today is monday I am certain that there will be a lot of people in line. When they called my number I immediately walk to front desk.

"Hello good morning ma'am, how may I help you today?" Said by the woman infront of me.

"Good morning too, I am here for a copy of my birth certificate" I answered politely and she smile at me.

"Okay ma'am, do you have your identification card with you and may I know on what purpose you'll be using your birth certificate is?" She asked politely while staring in front of her computer. I handed her my identification card and she type my name together with my ID number.

"Oh, I guess you also need to renew your ID ma'am" She said and I just stared at her with a question mark on my face.

"Why would I need to? Is my identification card is not valid anymore? I didn't know that you made an announcement about the new IDs." I said furrowing my brows

"No ma'am its still the same, only the status on your ID needs to be changed" She explained I still couldn't understand.

"What do you mean need to be changed? I'm sorry I can't quite understand you" I said

"Well ma'am Rebecca, it says here in our system that you are already married, and the one in your Identification card is still single meaning to say you need to change your status in your ID ma'am." She explained very slowly and that left me speechless.

So what Richie had said that night is true? He is not lying to stop me? And who did the guy that I married? "Fuck" and where is he? I can already feel a pain in my head for that thoughts.

"Ah, uhm I'm sorry may I know who is the one I got married?" I asked dumbfounded

The woman gave me a very weird look. I mean who wouldn't be? To someone who will asked you who did you married to is a very very weird question. But I don't care. I need to know who is this person that I've married before.

"I'll print it out for you ma'am, and please wait for your ID, it wouldn't take much time for it to be changed." She said smiling and I just nodded. I don't want to waste my energy to argue who's and who the one I've married and also about my ID to be change. And now all I need is to wait and see it for myself.

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