Chapter 30

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Freen's pov

"Oh my god, oh my goodness."


I jump out of my bed seeing the time on the clock. It's already seven forty o'clock in the morning and I need to be in the office five minutes before eight.

I overslept so I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Like very very quick. After that I wear my clothes. Thank God I already prepared it last night before I dozed off.

I'd choose to wear this turtle neck to cover those kiss marks on my neck.

P'naaaaammm. Please hurry up, I'm gonna late on my first day.

Nam was still groggy but she managed to took her car keys from her bag and drive freen to the Armstrongs Inc. While on the road freen tried to fix herself by putting some lipstick. And combher hair down. After ten minutes they arrived in front of the building.

Thank you so much p'nam. I said after going out from her car

Kid get something to eat okay? You haven't eat anything. She said

I will p'nam. Thank you. See you later. I answered while rushing inside the building. But how unlucky I am today, the elevator is not working.

What a great day to start Sarocha!

Now I need to go up to the 48th floor using stairs.


Becca's pov

I woke up early because I am so excited to see my baby at the office. Tho we spend the whole weekend together I still miss her. Its only five in the morning and I am sure that she's still sleeping, I know she's tired because of the activities that we did yesterday so instead of calling her I just send her a message.

"Good morning baby. I miss you. Don't forget to have your breakfast before going to work. I'll see you later. Love you"

Well she didn't know that I'll be in the office today too. I didn't tell her because I want to surprise her. I also talked to my parents last night about having an online class instead of face to face, I told them that I want to learn more about our company which makes them happy, and also I can spend more time with my girlfriend.

After an hour and a half, I already arrived at the building, but before that I passby to a flower shop nearby and bought a bouquet of tulips. "Yes, my baby likes tulips." 

The security guard was quite shock seeing me this early but immediately greeted me after seeing me smiling at him.

I got in the elevator and go to the 48th floor. I also ask miss Kim to inform me when freen arrive.

It's almost eight in the morning and I'm waiting for miss Kim's information about freen. So without further ado I got out of my office to asked her, but she said freen isn't here yet.

And thats unbelievable. Because my baby always come early, its either school or work. I tried to call her but she's not answering, so I'm started to get worried.

After half an hour I decided to get out of my office to check if Freen was already here. And to my surprise upon walking at the hallway I heard a loud voice.

Do you know what time is it now ms. Chankimha? You are half an hour late. Its written in the cont...

I didn't let her finished what she was saying because I can feel that my blood is starting to get pretty high. I clenched my fist trying to stop myself not to punch her face after shouting at my girl who is now looking down, her hair is messy, she is also sweating like she came from a ten mile run.

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