Chapter 57

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Becca's pov

Morning comes after our hot and steamy night. I can feel a little sore on my most private area. Remembering about what happened last night, a smile automatically formed in my lips. And a thought of I need to do something in return.

Freen beside me is still in her deep sleep. I don't want to disturb her beautiful dream, so I just peck on her lips and carefully got up from the bed.

I tiptoed going inside the bathroom to take a shower. Wearing nothing except from the engagement ring on my left ring finger.

I wore a bathrobe after taking a quick shower, I took my phone from the bedside table and got out from the room quietly. 

I immediately called my parents including my beloved brother to inform the plan that I was thinking about last night after our "intimate love making"

Are you sure about it princess? I mean you have plenty of time after we cameback from England.  My father said while having his coffee. Mom was sitting beside him, listening about our conversation.

A hundred percent sure dad, with zero doubts. I answered confidently while sipping the tea that mr. Chan had made for me.

Its only six in the morning and I was sitting in the sala waiting for the sun to shine.

Tell me whats the rush little sis? Richie interrupt with a smirk on his face. Oh, it seems that someone get laid last night. He added teasingly.  I felt my face was already burning. Both of my parents were just smiling at me naughtily.

Well. If that's what you want love. I will call the organiser to prepare everything asap. See you in the afternoon love. Mom said before saying goodbye.

Love you too mom and dad. I said blowing a kiss on the screen of my phone.

Hey, you forgot me. Richie whined

Love you my big bro. See you later. I said and ended the call.

The next person I called was Freen's mother and p'nam. Just like my parents, they got both excited after hearing the plan that I made. And both of them were so excited.

And lastly my friends. Well, its been a long time since we didn't meet in person as everyone of us were so busy at school and everything.

But despite of that, we still managed to talked through a videocall,  just like now. And they were also super excited after hearing the news from me about my plan later.

And yes, I couldn't wait anymore for two weeks or months for our wedding. Especially that we will be going to be apart for two weeks. I know it sounds cliché but damn, Sarocha is my everything now.

And with that I planned to marry her today. Yes, you heard it right. A civil wedding at the beach. I only invited the most important people in our lives. And that is our family and close friends.

I was thinking that we will plan for our grand wedding after I cameback from England.  But for now I want to claim her mine. Though she's already mine. I mean, I want her to carry my name. So no one would dare to come to her or approach her. I trust her so much but not the people around her. And I know to myself that she won't betray me.

Just thinking about our marriage today, I already feel like I'm in the cloud nine. I've got nothing to worry about the venue or what would it look like as long as I'm marrying the woman I love.

And I am certain that my parents wont just want a simple beach wedding. I mean what is the used of being an Armstrong by the way?

Uhm, miss Rebecca? About what you were saying earlier? Mr. chan asked.
I told him to come to me after half an hour.

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