Chapter 69

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Freen's pov

I woke up from my slumber when Billy clears his throat. I looked outside the car and I realised that we were in the parking lot. Perhaps its a hotel since the area is pretty big.

Uhm, ma'am Freen can you somehow walk? He asked scratching his not itchy nape.

Billy I'm tired, not disabled.  I said in a hoarse voice. Gosh, I can feel that my throat is scratching on its own because of dryness. Maybe because I cry my heart out earlier. I also can't barely open my eyes and my head is aching.

Okay ma'am let's go then. Sir Richard is waiting for us. He said as he open my door. He is already holding my luggage. I nodded and pull myself to get out of the car and start walking slowly to the elevator.  My body is numb, yet I force myself to move till we get to his floor. Which is the penthouse.

Couple of minutes later and we were finally inside Richie's penthouse. The motif of his place is so manly. Grey, dark and brown.

Freen????? Richie voice out and run to me and hugged me tightly.

Rich. I murmured and then I can feel again my tears on my face. I just stood there inside of his embrace.

He start caressing my back when he felt his clothes starting to get wet because of my tears.

Shhhhhhhh.. please stop crying,  you know she don't want to see you cry right? He said as he pulled his body and hold my shoulder. I nodded like a kid who have been giving a sweet after crying.

After a year and half without seeing him, he still the same. The Richie that I've known. He never change despite of what happened.

Yet there's something in his eyes, sadness, anger and coldness. I can tell and I can feel it. Perhaps he dont want me to show his weakness.

How about you go take shower and get change, and I'll asked Mina to send food to your room so you could rest well? I know you are tired from the long flight and we will talk tomorrow? He said waiting for my response.

Hmmmm.. I hummed and I heard him called someone.

Mina, please bring her to her room and prepare her food as well. Richie said to the woman who is in his early fifties. 

Yes sir. The woman said and I followed her in the room where Richie let me stayed for a week.

This way ma'am.  The woman said smiling at me. But I ignore her. Not because I want to be rude. But because I am so tired.

I let her prepared everything even for my bath. This is not the usual me before. But everything change after what happened.

I became cold towards the people around me. Expect from my family P'nam and our closest friends.

After I got discharge from staying in the hospital for more than three months, I continued working with my company. I busied myself for work to distract from the pain.

I never talk to anyone, and that got my mother scared because she thought that I might do something stupid. Which I almost did during her birthday.

I remember that I almost drown myself in the pool that night. I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing. P'nam was with me that time. She just let me drink but she then get mad at me when I decided to jump in that pool.

After that she didn't let me take any alcohol. I avoid going to the place where I used to go with her. Even the mansion, her apartment the beach and restaurants. I thought it'll help me to somehow forgot the pain.

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