Chapter 13

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While freen was busy making a pizza, my three "lovely friends" was also busy talking about her. They making a bet whether she likes me or not. I just shooked my head with what they were thinking.

Bec, you should make a moved now. I already made my part earlier, and that was to make her stay longer with us. You know how dedicated she is when it comes to work. Faye said.

I just look at her and smirked. First, I dont want to rush things towards her. I want to know her more, and get close to her in a good way. Second, I don't have any bad intentions to her. She's so kind and genuine to get hurt. And she don't deserve it.

Yes. I maybe once an asshole before, with the other girls I have meet after what my ex did to me. But not with Freen. I have already change since we decided to cameback here in thailand.

Way back in england, two years ago. I've meet Sam, "my ex girlfriend". She's four years older than me. I thought she was the one for me. She's was my first and I gave my all to her, because I love her so much. I thought she feel the same way for me, But she don't. She just used me, financially, physically and emotionally.

For six months I'd never thought  that my so called girlfriend or my ex girlfriend to be exact, was already married.  How funny is that?

I was so mad and broke knowing the truth about her. Thats the reason why I started to go out every night, get wasted meet with a lot of girls and played with thier feelings. The same way how I feel of what Sam did to me.

I thought, I would feel better doing that. But I was wrong. No one knows how broken I am. Except richie. Even my parents doesn't have any idea about it becausethey were too busyat work. They thought that Sam and I broke up because our relationship didn't workout.

Richie knows everything about me and what happened to me. His the one who helped me moved on and make me realise that what I'm doing is just a waste of time and worthless. I remember what he said to me during the time that I was broken.

"Why are you wasting your time ruining your life because of that woman! You should be thankful that your relationship with her didn't last any longer than a year. Your still young, and you deserve more way better than her. Someone, who'll take care and love you not because of what you have. But because of who you really are."

And that is one of the reason why I choose to hide my identity to freen, when I helped her during the night of our first meet. I know she's totally different compared to Sam. But I have already learned my lesson. I don't want to feel the same way I feel before.

And yes, I like freen. From the moment I first laid my eyes on her. She's been running through my head every single moment since that night.

Guys, you know I've already change right? I'm not into games anymore. I said and it's true

Wow, the rebecca I knew, is that you?  Yuki said while holding my face trying to inspect me.

Stop it already guys. I said pouting

So you're really that down for her? Mitch asked with a serious face

What you guy's think? I asked while I curved my brows

Holy sh*t. They all mumbled.

Guess we need to be serious now. Faye said
So what's your plan? She added

I don't have one. I answered

What? No way that you don't have one. Look Bec, we already told you that Freen is not like the other woman you've meet before. And I  know that you noticed that too. Faye said

I know. But I don't want to rush things guys. I'll just go with the flow. I said smiling

After some moment Freen called us to decide what kind of toppings and flavors we want to put on the pizza. She already prepared all toppings in a seperate bowls.

I've seen a lot and I don't know what to put on mine, so I let her decide for me. And she's giving me this sweet smile again.

"Gosh, if she only knows how I feel everytime she smile at me"

They decided to watch a movie while having a pizza made by Freen and Bella.
I was smiling inside seeing Bella lying on Freens lap while she's caressing her hair. They are so adorable. "Freen would be a great mother in the future for sure."

Bella already dozed off on freens lap. She's most be very tired because of what they did earlier.

Her mother took her upstairs while we decided to go home cause it's getting late too. We said our goodbyes to Yuki's parents. Faye and Mitch left already while I was still talking to Yuki.

You should send her home bec. She doesn't have a car. Yuki said

I'll probably will. I answered confidently and smile

I hugged Yuki goodbye and rush to my car before Freen booked a car. I stopped in front of her and rolled my window down

Do you have a ride? I asked even though I already know the answer.

I booked a cab. She answered.

Cancelled it. I said in a demanding tone. I don't want to let her ride a cab alone at this hour. At first she refused my offer. But I'm not gonna let her win. She took her phone and cancelled the cab she booked. Good thing that she did what I asked. I smiled at her when she get in to my car.

I leaned closer to her to fix her seatbelt.  I know she was shocked because of what I did. But I just act cool. I gulped when my eyes landed on her lips, trying hard not to kiss her. God knows how much I wanted to taste her beautiful lips. Wondering how sweet are those. But I'm not gonna do it without her permission. I respect her so much.

There. I said smiling while still looking at her red tomato cheeks. I really love to tease her she's so cute.

I start the car and hit the road. I drive slowly as I want to enjoy being with her alone. Even though there is silence between us. I decided turned on the music as I don't know how to start a conversation with her. And it seems that she feel the same way too.

I'm singing with the music playing on my car in a very low tone without realising that she can hear me. its a thousand year by christine perri.

You have a beautiful voice. She said smiling

Haa? oh uhm, thank you. I respond sweetly
By the way, where is your place? I asked her even though I already know where she lives.

She took her phone out from her sling bag and show me the location. Maybe I should get an award for acting like I know nothing about where she stay.

After 10 minutes we arrived in front of the building where she was staying. I turned off the car and faced her. Our eyes met once again. But this time is different as we both stayed like that for a moment.
I really like staring at her beauty. And I won't get tired of doing it.

Uhmm,  t..tthank you so much fo...r driving me home. She said while still looking at me.

I bite my lower lips while I'm trying to stop myself from doing anything stupid.

Its my pleasure to drive you home safe. I respond while looking at her lips.
"God my eyes cant stop looking at it."

I uhm, should be going now. Good night and drive home safe. She said.
"Gosh how sweet of her"

Good night Sarocha...I respond and she gave me this puzzled look before she got out of my car.

I watched her walk up to her unit. I can see it because of the sensored lights. And when I'm sure that she's already in. I started my car and drive home at a full speed. Fast as my heartbeat...

to be continued.....

Hi guy's 😊 how was your third day of the year? Hope everyone is doing fine. 😉🥰

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