Chapter 25

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Becca's pov

I've been touching my lips since she left. Because I can't get over it. I was waiting for her to push me earliear during that kissed,  but she didn't do it. I am certain, that she likes it too. I can feel it..

This is not my first kiss but it seems like it was. Her sweet and soft lips "my gosh" I really didn't mean to do that but she bite her lips, right in front of me and that was so intimidating, so inviting and I couldn't help myself not to kiss her. Especially when I bite her lowered lips that make her let out a soft moan "God, that was so sexy"  its like music to my ears.

I'd stay for some minutes before I decided to go home. But when I look at back of my car I saw the paper bag with her vento box inside. I was thinking to bring it home, but the other side of my mind was saying I should returned it back to her "right now."

So without further ado, I got out of my car bringing the paper bag with the dirty dishes and went up to the third floor to where her  her unit is.

I was already outside of her front door. But my hands were trembling when I tried to reach the door bell.

" For God's sake Rebecca! you've just kissed her. It's way more difficult than pressing that f*cking doorbell!!!"  That was my inner thoughts. 

After few minutes, my index finger landed on the dorbell button, I pressed it three times and wait for someone to open it.

After some moments the door opened. And there she is, wearing an oversized navy blue t-shirt that has a sunny print on it and I dont even know if she's wearing a shorts or not.

"She look so damn hot on that oversized shirt, but more hotter without"

I feel lost after that kiss.

I was scanning her from toe to head. My eyes landed on her lips that she just bite "F*ck, I cursed under my breath" I gave her a warning look and but she just give me this innocent look. I gulped hardly.

I wanted to push her inside and pinned her in the wall and kissed her again, but that thoughts were cutted when her bestfriend Nam came out. I swallowed something on my throat when I saw her.

Oh, Hi miss. Armstrong. She greeted me smiling.

I know she was kinda shock after seeing me, and I feel the same way to. But I need to act cool.

Hi, miss Nam. I greeted her back smiling. Then I turned my gaze to freen who still staring at me blankly. Maybe she's thinking why I'm at her front door. I smiled at her, as if nothing had happened earlier.

I uhm, forgot to return this to you. I said while handing her back the paper bag with the used dishes inside. I'm sorry, its not clean. I added while caressing my nape.

It's okay. She said after getting her senses back.

Sweety, why don't you let your friend to come inside? I heard a voice from the inside. I am sure that was her mother.
I have no idea that she's living with her mother. I thought she lives alone.

Freen opened the door widely. But I refused to get inside.

Its really not necessary. I said smiling.

Come on in ms. Armstrong. It was Nam who pulled my hands inside. And I got no choice but to follow.

I greeted Freen's mother who was busy preparing foods.

Hello mrs. Chankimha, good evening. I said smiling

Oh, such a lovely girl. May I know your name dear?  She asked while putting some food into the plate infront of me.

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