Chapter 19

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Freen's pov

Good morning Ms. Chankimha. The school guard greeted.

Good morning mr. Nuk. I said and smile.

Seems you are late on your the first day. He said. I checked my wristwatch and its only seven in the morning.

No I'm not. I answered. I am always the first student to come since I start studying here. And I'm sure mr. Nuk knew about it.

Well, someone already came in first before you. Just a moment ago. And it seems that she's a new one. I haven't seen her before. He said and I nodded. I know who is he talking about.

I am aware that she transferred here, but not that she will come this early in the morning. I said my good bye to mr. Nuk and walk inside the campus.  I know there still no student here coz most of them came right on time. And the classes will start at eight in the morning, sharp.

I was walking at the corridor and I saw her not far away, she was sitting on my favorite spot.

I walk towards her direction and notice that she's not okay as she was massaging her head.

I asked her if she's okay and she said yes, but I don't believe her. She looks pale as if she didn't get enough sleep. "Is it because of what happened last night?" I hope its not. I shook my head for that thinking.  Maybe I was expecting to much. I was about to asked her if she needs help but someone called me.
It was Kirk.

Speaking of Kirk, he is a friend of mine. I know him since first year college coz we took the same course. He is the son of Mr. Chen who is a well known person not only in this school but also in thailand.

I turned to her again but it seems that she didn't care. Kirk and I were about to walk when suddenly she called me. Kirk knew that as a scholar it is part of me to tour a new student at the campus. So he said his goodbye and left.

At first we had this little argument regarding with how I approach her but then she just let me call her Ma'am.

She asked about me being here, so I explained it to her also. But then I was amazed by how she react to what I said. I can tell that she's different from the rich students that I've meet before.

We walked silently at the hallway, I've got nothing to say to her. I just enjoy her presence.

So where is the library?  She asked breaking the silence between us.

Its in that third storey building. I said while pointing the building. The first and second floor was the library while the third one is the staff office. The next building is for the freshmen followed by sophomore senior and lastly for the seniors. That's our building. I will tour you inside so you would know which room you will enter later, although each room already has labelled. Its better for you to know, so you won't get lost or be late. Most of the professor here hate the late comers. Each building has a clinic. I added and she just nodded. Seems that she can remember all the things I've said.

What about those building over there. Is it still part of the school? She asked while pointing the other building from afar.

Yes, its junior and senior high building.  But you don't need to go there. It still part of the school but they put a gate in the middle. Its for the students safety. A plenty of guards are roaming in there because most of the highschool students cutting the classes. And she nodded

Are you into sports? I asked looking at her.

Kind of. She replied smiling at me

Great. Later I can bring you to the sports building. I said and it seems she likes it.

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