Chapter 75

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Becca's pov

This is the happiest night since I woke from a coma. Im at this italian restaurant  with my girlfriend Jane.

Yes Jane. My physical therapist. We've been together for almost two years. I choose to hide my relationship with her to my brother. I know he will never agree on this.

But tonight is the night that Im going to tell him about it. Especially when  Jane said yes to me. I am so happy that she said yes.

Jane was the one who never give up on me until I can walk again for more than two years, she became my foot when mine is useless. She's the one who encouraged me, the one who cheer for me when Im at my lowest. And the reason why I can walk by myself again.

Earlier, I fooled my bodyguards again. So I can escape to them to meet my girlfriend. I have been doing it for a few months. But today will be the last. I need to tell Richie my brother about my relationship with her.

As we part our ways, I took a cab going back to my brothers place. Upon reaching the penthouse I slowly open the door and tiptoed going to my room.

But I flinched when the light suddenly turned on. And there my brother leaning in the sofa with his arms folded on his chest. I could tell from that he is mad from his aura.

"Rebecca Patricia Armstrong,  do you even know what time is it now?" He asked sternly. His brows meet and I know that any moment a volcano will explode.

"Woooooooohhhh,  brother sorry but before you get mad at me let me explain first. And also I have some good news for you" I said raising both of my hands. And smile at him to ease the tension.

My brother rarely spoke, especially when it is not related to business.  But when he does, you will definitely wants to cover your ear to protect your heart. Or your brain.

"Make sure that the good news of yours is worth my time Rebecca. Because I have also something to tell you." He said, and I can say that something is botherin in him.

But I ignored it. This is my time, and the only time that I want to confess on something that I have been hiding from him for almost two years. Or One year and ten months to be exact. So I didn't waste my time.

"She said YES, and were getting married!" I exclaimed happily.

I stopped when I notice Richie. He seems to be shocked, perhaps speechless and then he became pale like he was sick that I can't fathom.

"Wait...what did you just said?" He asked and I can tell that he is very much annoyed.

"I said, Im getting married". I repeated smiling. But then he shooked his head.

"This can't be Rebecca, please tell me your just pulling a joke because this ain't funny" He said and now he is stressed. I can tell because of the way how he act.

"I am not lying Richie, and I'm telling you the truth" I said. As I am started to feel annoyed too. He then stared at me like I was making a big mistake.

"Im marrying Jane Richie whether you like it or not. Im so done hiding this to you for almost two years. I know, I am not a perfect child like you or even a good sister to you ever since. And Im telling you Jane helps me a lot to become a better person. And I am so happy that I am marrying her." I explained.

"And who's Jane is this your are talking about? Isn't it Jane, your therapist?" He asked furrowing his brows.

"Yes, she is." I answered.

"No, no no Rebecca your doing a wrong decision here. Fuck! I shouldn't hide this from you ever since you woke up from a come. Damn it!" He said pulling his hair aggressively as he walk back and forth that makes my head spin.

"Could you please stay where you are Richie. You're literally making my head spin. And what is wrong about me marrying Jane? GOD! Im sure I am at the right age for marriage and I don't want you to interfere again Richie. I respect you a lot but I won't let you decide for what I want, not anymore"

"You don't understand Rebecca. You cannot marry her." He shouted and I flinched again.

"Like what I said Richie, I won't let you to interfere my life. I would marry her, you like it or not." I shouted him back and turned my back at him to go to my room.

"Rebecca, you can't marry her because you are already married!" He said and that makes me stop.

"Are you kidding me? Because its really funny Richie." I said faking a laugh.

"You can't marry Jane because you are already married bec, and I am so sorry to keep this to you for a very long time. I hate keeping it from you because I was afraid that it might cause you bad specially when your headache becomes more and more dangerous. But hearing this kind of information from you, being engaged to someone, is really not acceptable. GOD! I was the worst brother ever to either you and your wife" He said crying. The pain and regret is evident.

"Me? Married? To who? And when? Why I can't even remember it? right, I have a fucking amnesia that I can't remember almost half of my life. But why did he hide this from me? Why he didn't told me about it? And why he is telling me NOW about it?" That was some of the questions running at the back of my head.

"I don't really understand you Richie.  Why did you hide this kind of information from me for all this years?" I asked feeling betrayed.

"Because I was afraid Bec, I was afraid that I might loss you again. The moment you've woke up from a coma you can't remember anything. You forgot those important things that had happened to your life. I followed what your doctor had said to me. To become patient for you to avoid stress especially when you learned about our parents death. And that was the start when you feel a pain to your left side brain where you got surgery. I'm terrified, and that was the reason why I didn't told you that information until now" He said bowing his head.

"I don't believe you big bro. If this is one your stupid way for me to stop and not to marry Jane, Im so sorry to tell you but no one can stop me. Not even you or the one you said that I married before! Now if you'll excuse me. Im tired and I need to rest. Por favor. Stop wasting your money on that stupid bodyguards I am not a kid anymore." I said stomping my feet and shut my door close.

I throw myself in my bed and starts screaming from my pillow.
He really knows how to ruined my day.

to be continued.....

From happy to sad to confusing...
Who wants the exciting part of the story? 🤭🫠

I got home early from work so I did a couple update. Hope you enjoy 😉

Love you all. 😘😘😘

Have a good day and night ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍

Did you miss Becca's pov too? 🫠

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