Chapter 18

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Becca's pov

I groaned when I feel a sharp pain in my head.
I remember last night after I called freen, I had a trouble in sleeping. So I sneak out of my room to go to my fathers liquor collection room to steal a wine. I just need some for me to sleep, but it seems that I finished it all.

Now I'm having a hangover, on my first day of class. "How great of me"

I rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. Maybe it would help a little. Later I will asked mr. Joe to buy me some medicine before going to school.

After taking a shower, I blow my hair dry before wearing my school uniform. Perfectly fit. I mumbled after seing my reflection in the mirror. I used the lipstick that I just bought recently, to covered my pale lips. After fixing myself I got out my room, but before that I put the empty bottled of wine inside my backpack. I don't want my father to know that I steal one of his wine. So I'll change it later after school. But I need the help of mr. Joe for that.

I got straight to the dining where my parents already having their breakfast. I greeted them as usual. But I'm not going to eat much. I might throw it up later because of my hangover.

Do you want a coffee or an orange juice?  I heard a familiar voice from my back. So I turned and I saw mahmee smiling at me.

I called her earlier to come here coz I know we will be needing her here. As you will be going  back to school, you might also need her help. My dad explained

I nodded as a respond to my father.

A black coffee will be great mahmee thank you. I said smiling and saw mahmee turned her back to the kitchen to make a coffee.

Dad was right, start this day I will be more busy not only for school but also at the office. Later I will get my school sched so I can manage my time at school and office at the same time. "This must be so so exhausting"

As for Richie, his still out of town to meet other clients and investor. He'll be back home in three days.

It's only six twenty in the morning, but I excused myself to my parents to go to school early as I didn't know the place yet. Speaking about it, my friend didn't respond to my message last time. It makes me confused. "Did they just ignored me?" I let out a big sigh.

I search for mr. Joe when I reached the parking lot. "There he is." I walked to his direction when I saw him. His checking an old car owned by my father that he hadn't use for a long quite of time.

Do you think its still good to used that one? I asked without him noticing my presence as he was busy checking the car.

Oh, how long have you been there ma'am Rebecca? He asked while checking his wristwatch. Maybe he's shocked seeing me this early. As for him, he know my school hours.

I just came. I answered. And he nodded. Mr. Jack isn't here, his on a leave because his mother got sick.

So?  I was pointing about the car.

I think its still good ma'am. He answered

Then we will use it. I said

I can't risked it ma'am, I still need to checked the other parts just to make sure that there's no problem with it. This car had been stock in her for almost five years. He respond

Let's used my ferrari instead. I said and he nodded.

Before we left I asked him to buy me some medicine fo headache. He didn't bother to asked me about it. He just follow me.

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