Chapter 12

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Becca's pov

Careful with that one, its spicy. She said with a very low tone.

I look at her with a question mark on my face. But she just smile at me.

And if she don't stop smiling at me, I swear to God. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm just acting like tough and cool in front of her. But to be honest I am weak whenever she's around.

Thank you. I muttered shyly.

I didn't dare to dip the prawn, coz I am afraid to. I acted like nothing happened, and continue eating.

I noticed that freen was so antentive, especially to Bella. And now I really wish to be her instead. She keeps treating and calling Bella"baby" and I feel jealous about it. Even though I dont have the right to feel that way.

"God, I'm jealous over a 7 yr. old kid" I shake my head because of what I was thinking.

Here baby, you should eat more vegetables, to make you more stronger. Freen said to Bella.

You know what freen, you should stop calling her baby. Cause someone is getting jealous.  Mitch said

I gave her a deadly look. And I know Faye and Yuki saw it.

I mean Yuki will get jealous. Right Yuki? Mitch added, looking to Yuki's direction, asking for some help. I know she's scared to me right now.

Oh, yeah. Im getting jealous now. Bella, I'm your real and full blooded sister but your acting like freen is your sister and not me. Yuki said to Bella while pouting.

"And the best actress goes to... yeah no other than Yuki"

I can see that Faye is trying so hard not to laugh because of what happened.

Oh, I'm sorry Ms. aah Yuki if I make you feel like that way. It's not really my intention. I mean, I never had a sibling, that's why I am so happy to meet Bella. Freen nervously explained

I didn't expect, she would believe that Yuki is really jealous. Now I feel bad about it.

Yuki's parent chuckled.

You don't really have to feel bad about it freen. Infact, we are so happy that Bella's enjoying your company. Yuki's mother said.

Mom, I'm your daughter too. Yuki protest.

I know dear, but you never treat Bella the same way like Freen did. And I don't blame you for that. I'm mean12 years of age gap is not easy. Yuki's mother explained.

Bella is a menopausal baby, her parents thought, that she will born with disabilities and they already expected that. But they were so happy and lucky that she was healthy and normal when she came out.

Even me, I would be happy to have a cute little angel in the house like Bella. Though I got jealous about her coz of the way how Freen treated her.

We we're done eating and we go back inside. I noticed Freen, that she keeps checking her wristwatch. Does she wants to leave early?


Freen's pov

I keep checking my wristwatch. It's almost 4 in the afternoon, and I need to be in the restaurant by 5 pm. But, I don't know how to excuse myself to mr. and mrs. Lim specially to Bella.

Freen are you okay?  Yuki asked. Maybe she noticed me.

Oh, yeah. I am fine. But uhm, I need to go to work. I said stuttering.

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