Chapter 38

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Freen's pov

No babe, ever since that night I first saw you, I couldn't get you out of my mind.. I said while hugging becca from behind.

I never imagine that I would fall inlove with you babe. At first, I thought that you were just playing games with me. I added.

What do you mean playing games? Becca asked with a furrowed brows as she turned around to face me.

Well babe, after that night that we first meet I was so curious about the person who helped since you wanted to hide your identity. So I did a little investigation about that "person". I said smirking. 

And? She said.

And it happened to be you. Did you remember the time that you go to Yuki's place for Bella's birthday? I asked her

Yeah?.. why? She asked again.

Well the day before that, I already know that it was you. I answered

Wait a minute, you mean you already knew that it was me? How? I thought my parents told you?? She said half embarrassed and I chuckled because of her cute reaction.

No babe, I already knew that it was you. I remember that you even create a fake account and order a food from me. "BE MINE"
I said teasingly

Nooo waaayy. She said blushing because of embarrassment. Why are you telling me now about it?? She added covering her face.

Baby. You look so cute when you blush. I said while trying to remove her hands from her face.

No... She said.

Come on babe. Why are you covering that beauty hmm?? I said while pulling her hands out from her face who is now red as tomato

FREEEN SAROCHA CHANKIMHA!! She said with a stern voice and I stopped for a moment.

Okay, if your not going to remove that hands of yours right now, I am not kissing you, nor touch you or sleep with you. You choose. I dare her as I step back and crossed my arms and pout in front of her.

As soon as she heard me, she immediately removed her hands from covering her face.

You are not serious, aren't you? She asked confusedly. I shooked my head and smiled and pulled her closer to me. She place her arms on my shoulder while mine was on her waist. We were like dancing without a music, only our heartbeats and breathing can be heard.

I love you Becca, soooo much. That I can't even imagine my life without you. I know that our relationship happened too fast, but look at us now. We are both happy, right? I said whispering to her and she nodded while caressing my nape.

Remember what I said earlier to your parents? I asked her

Hmmmmm. She hummed as a response

I want you to know and remember that all of it was true babe. I said while parting our body's.

And aside from the painting that I made, I have something else for you babe. I said as I was pulling the jewellery box out from my pocket.

Sarocha, don't tell me you are proposing to me? She asked and I chuckled.

As much as I want to spend my life with you baby yes, but not now baby. Soon babe I will definitely propose to you. And I want my proposal to be memorable. I answered smiling.

This one is a promise ring baby. I want you to keep my promise. That my heart belongs to no other than you babe. I said while putting the ring on her finger. It perfectly fit.

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