Part 113

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The Tsahík merely shakes her head, and he takes a shaky breath. His lover's memories of him, and everything they've been through together, have been taken away from him. They now mean nothing, as if they never happened. Everything. It's all meaningless.

This boy right here doesn't even know his name, let alone his feelings. The feelings they once shared, but now seem to be one sided, like life is playing some cruel joke on him. Telling him everything he created with Aonung amounted to nothing. He improved and bettered himself and their relationship, but for what?

Desperately, he turns back to Aonung, who seems annoyed by his actions.

Neteyam- You can't do this to me.

He reaches for the boy's hand, but it snatches away from him, making him wince from the tug at his heart.

Aonung- I said not to touch me.

Rotxo scoots closer to Aonung, putting a heavy hand on his shoulder.

Rotxo- Aonung, stop that.

The boy looks at him as if he's spoken something entirely insane, then Rotxo realizes he probably forgot how much he's changed because of a certain Sully boy. He no longer sits silently while the boy acts the way he does.

Rotxo- You can't just reject him like that, he was your lover.

Kiri- He still is.

Yune- Denial will not help.

Cin'lan- Yune, what have I told you about delicate situations?

Yune- I was only stating the truth, mother.

Kiri- It wasn't the truth. Neteyam is his lover, that hasn't changed.

Aonung- No the fuck he isn't.

Rotxo- Ao-

Neteyam- Don't say that.

Neteyam buries his head in his hands, and his siblings both come to his side for comfort. Aonung shrugs Rotxo's hand off of him and looks around at the others before fixing his eyes on Neteyam.

Aonung- You? My lover?

He looks up at Aonung with teary eyes, still having that last bit of hope that lingers from nothing more than his longing for this not to be happening, and for it all to be just some terribly cruel nightmare.

Aonung- What would I even see in you?

Lo'ak glares at him, his tail twitching around in irritation.

Aonung- You come across the unfortunate and you just let yourself fall apart like it's the end of the world? What good is someone like that to me?

Neteyam- You don't mean that. You would never say something like that to me.

Aonung- Then I guess not only do I not know you. You clearly don't know me either.

Neteyam- Aonung, you do know me, and I know you. You love me.

The boy scoffs, making Lo'ak move to hit him, but Kiri holds him back, reminding him that Aonung is still injured.

Aonung- If I did, I'm sure it wouldn't have been so easy to forget. Maybe I didn't like you as much as you thought. Bet that didn't cross your mind, since you seem to think it's impossible for me not to want you. Think you're irresistible or something?

Rotxo- Aonung, that's enough!

He half glares at Rotxo, the boy rarely yells at him.

Rotxo- You're hurting him.

Rotxo recognizes this heartless behavior, but hasn't had to witness it since the day the Sullys first came to Awa'atlu seeking Uturu.

Aonung turns back to Neteyam, whose tears have started to stream down his face.

Aonung- Just to be clear, even if we were together before, which I can still hardly imagine, we aren't now. I don't have time to nurture someone's feelings. Maybe if you learn to control yourself some I might find you more appealing.

Neteyam suddenly scowls at him, his sorrow rapidly turning into anger.

Neteyam- You encouraged me not to hold everything in. You told me it was fine to feel whatever the hell I needed to, and to just let it out!

Rotxo- Netey-

He suddenly stands up, making his siblings jump back, and glares down at Aonung.

Neteyam- You taught me to be this open! Now you dare to tell me you don't like it?!

Aonung- Yes.

Aonung answers nonchalantly, and Lo'ak could swear he heard his brother's mentality snap immediately after. He jumps up from his spot, colliding with Neteyam, who lunged at the injured boy not even a second after he responded.

Kiri and Rotxo rush to help Lo'ak hold Neteyam back as he continues to try and go after Aonung, screaming and cursing many things at the boy, who hardly seems to care. Sorfé accompanies them as they finally manage to drag Neteyam out of the den.

The angry boy cries tears of anguish while continuing to shout many things, even though he knows Aonung can no longer hear him. Even though he knows Aonung no longer cares. Even though he knows his cries are futile.

He thought the gunshot wound was the worst pain he's ever felt, but he was wrong. His heart was just snatched from his chest, taking every bit of joy out of him.

This is the worst pain he's ever experienced, and he would've preferred getting shot a million times over, because even that would have felt better than what he feels now.

Mune Olo'eyktan [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now